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Phony herb, and vitamin supplement's are a big racket, and the ingredient you thought was in is not even there. Maybe that's why it isn't working. BUYER BEWARE:
At least one major retailer pulled products from the shelves today after New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said GNC, Target, Wal-Mart and Walgreens sell store brand supplements that do not contain the ingredients they advertise. The investigation found that four out of every five products tested didn’t include the ingredients mentioned on the label.

This is essentially an honor system.  Testing the store brands of some major chains that sell in cities and towns all over our state and all over the country, and we were surprised to see that only 21 percent of the products had any trace at all of what they were supposed to be selling.

Like echinacea, ginseng, things that are popular herbal supplements. And in the overwhelming majority of cases, there was no trace of the product that was purportedly being sold. So we have written cease-and-desist letters to these four chains. Some of them are pulling the products, just the lot numbers we tested off the shelves. They are going to explain their system for quality control. I've heard on the net that inspectors came in and closed shops down. Now, I'm wondering the other side of the story.

In addition to finding —

Image result for dietary supplements
Found that there were a lot of fillers and other products and other plant species that were identified by the bar-coding that weren’t on the label.

So it’s a combination of not selling what you’re supposed to be selling and selling people things that are fillers or other plant species that could cause public health issues. Why buy?
I like this one for mineral's. It's cheap and effective

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