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High blood pressure has been shown to damage the brain and cognitive abilities in hundreds of studies, even for 29 year olds, even if there is no stroke. 
 That's why anyone with blood pressure above the normal should do all it takes to lower it back in the normal range, as damage accumulates.  Prevention is much easier and cheaper than cure. Did you check your pressure in the last 30 days
Eat more fruit and vegetables and less consent ration of meat protein. (substitute legumes) Find a way to eat the veggie and fruit in variety of ways to make them pleasant to your pallet. This is just fun but, makes my point: presentation is everything.

Recent studies confirming this brain damage: (June 2014) (how blood pressure ages the brain of people in their 30s even)

For ideas on how to maintain better blood pressure, see the links below:

Most people get too much sodium (and sugar) in their diet, driving their blood pressure up too much.

Heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide.  The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that hypertension-related diseases result in 26.9% of developed countries' deaths, and 21.6% of underdeveloped countries' deaths.  High blood pressure (hypertension) is experienced by 90% of people at some point in their life and is a major contributor to heart attacks and strokes.  The WHO website says that daily intake of more than 2000 mg of sodium or less than 3500 mg potassium can cause hypertension

Here is an informative video about salt from CDC  About 75% of salt intake is from processed and restaurant foods.  Buying the foods with no sodium helps:).  Most people get enough sodium from natural foods, no salt is needed. (capers is a good sub. celery) It is best to cook at home with no salt added in a pressure cooker (it is the fastest cooking method - up to 5 times faster - and it retains up to 9 times more anti-oxidants, vitamins), while avoiding eating restaurant and canned salty foods (metals can leak into the foods). (garlic removes heavy metals and turmeric) Also, draining the liquid in canned salty foods can often remove almost half the sodium.  Harvard School of Public Health has more salt studies

We only need 200-1200 mg of sodium, depending on weight and activity levels (sweating eliminates sodium).  Potassium relaxes the blood vessels and lowers blood pressure, while sodium tenses blood vessels and increases BP.  Also, too much sodium can damage the bones

When using a lot of salt, it is even more important to blood pressure control to limit the intake of sugar (sucrose) and fructose. Studies show those consuming too many simple sugars [sweet fruits (rich in fructose like watermelon) or processed foods with added high fructose corn syrup or sugar] have higher blood pressure
Some recommend eating less than 15 g of fructose a day, less than half a banana.  No sodas or drinks with added sugar " In 1892, there were just two cases of diabetes per 100,000 people, according to a famous medical textbook by Sir William Osler, The Principles and Practice of Medicine. Today, the rate is 9 percent across all age groups, and sadly one of every three children is either diabetic or pre-diabetic."

High sodium and low potassium intake led to higher mortality in this study ►  When combined with high sugars this high ratio of sodium to potassium leads to serious heart problems. People have noticed a big drop in blood pressure within weeks of changing sugar, sodium and potassium intake.  Many supermarkets sell KCl, potassium chloride salt, so using this kind of salt at home is another way to get more potassium.  Normal salt is sodium chloride, NaCl. allows searching foods to see their sugars, potassium and omega 3 fatty acids (unsaturated fat) levels.  Besides decreasing sodium, saturated fat and omega 6 acids intake, increasing omega 3 fatty acids intake lowers blood pressure Many people eat omega 6: omega 3 in ratios of 30:1 to 10:1.  The healthier (for blood pressure and also for increased telomere length) ratios are in the range 4:1 to 1:1. Some beans (black, pinto, white, etc) have high potassium and also roughly equal amounts of omega 3 to omega 6. Beans are better than many fried foods with trans fats or oxysterols that clog the arteries.  However, beans, grains, legumes, nuts all have phytic acid which binds minerals and which can cause teeth problems and bone problems.  To reduce phytic acid one needs to soak lentils and split peas at least 7 hours in warm water (140 F, or 60C) and 12-20 hours for beans, grains, nuts.  Phytic acid could be removed by 90% by simply soaking beans at 60 ˚C for 10 hrs As seen at in the chart of temperatures, in 1977, Chang et all noticed that the ideal water temp for maximum destruction of phytic acid is not 40C, 50C, 70C, 80C, 90C, but 60C. Adding some lemon to create an acidic environment makes the phytic acid elimination more complete.    After soaking, you can also let them sit wet until they sprout, that will reduce phytic acid more.  After soaking or soaking/sprouting, you can cook them.  Lentils have less phytic acid than beans, so if you try to use lentils as protein source, it's much better than beans, since nutritionally they are almost identical with beans.  The key thing to recall is that canned beans or restaurant beans are not prepared to reduce phytic acid and have too much salt and should be avoided at all costs.

However, beans have fats too and over-cooking those fats can cause some harmful fats to emerge, so for diabetics especially it's much better to eat raw unroasted well soaked walnuts with omega 3: omega 6 ratio of 1:4 and 400 mg potassium per 100g.  All nuts should be eaten unroasted and soaked (soaking removes phytic acid), since oxidized fats clog the arteries and raise blood pressure. Interestingly, coconut saturated fat eaters have less heart disease than us  Sri Lankans used to have the lowest heart disease rate in the world in 1953 when they are 136 coconuts a year on average
Coconuts is a anti fungal, and this is the reason this works

Too much of whole grains or beans, i.e. too many carbohydrates, can cause an increase in blood pressure long term due to spike in insulin levels, so much so that diets with more monounsaturated fats lead to lower blood pressure Insulin levels being high is also how Alzheimer can develop faster. However, among high carbohydrate eaters, eating complex (beans and grains) carbohydrates instead of simple ones (sugar, fructose in fruits) leads to comparatively lower blood pressure

Studies show those eating least meat and dairy have the lowest (healthiest) blood pressure It became evident that those eating no red meat are less likely to die of heart disease and they live longer  The scientifically proven (and covered by Medicare and many private insurance companies) Dr. Ornish’s Program for Reversing Heart Disease helped thousands to lower blood pressure through a healthier low fat diet

Scientists found that good sleep prevents hypertension and other health problems. During sleep the body does a lot of self-repair.  Meditation, eating as little fat as possible (except for the minimum omega 3 needed), peaceful music (example and emotions, natural diuretics (cucumber, tomatoes, fresh ginger tea, etc), lower stress, avoiding gaining weight, not smoking, not drinking alcohol can also help lower blood pressure.

Additionally ginger tea can lower blood pressure by 10 points ( for the mechanics of ginger). presents ginger tea effect on blood pressure, while shows anti-inflammatory effects of ginger (boosts immune system).  100g of raw ginger contains 410mg of potassium, about 10% of daily needs.  Ginger is easier to eat as tea, but in many nations it's added to already cooked foods in raw form after cooking.  Raw is more potent.  Ginger has been used for thousands of years as medicine. The studies show the more concentrated the tea or the more ginger we eat, the lower the blood pressure. So, with ginger one can lower the blood pressure by 20 points also: be it as tea made from raw ginger, raw in salads, or added raw before or after cooking foods.

Hibiscus tea lowers blood pressure too
(►  Here is an interesting comparison between teas showing how black tea increases blood pressure while hibiscus tea dramatically decreases blood pressure by 15-20 points Many stores sell hibiscus flowers in the bulk section.

The normal pulse rate is 60-100 bpm (beats per minute) and ideal blood pressure is less than 115/75 mm Hg (less than 115 systolic AND less than 75

Foods That Balance Hormones

Consuming yams and turmeric you could actually help balance your hormones! Yup, crazy but true.

Yams (family Dioscoreaceae) are native to Africa and Asia and other tropical regions. Yams are starchy tubers that have an almost black bark-like skin and white, purple or reddish flesh and come in many varieties. The tubers can be as small as regular potatoes or grow upwards of five feet long.(2) Yams are not to be confused with sweet potatoes they are actually two different species of root vegetables completely unrelated.

Health benefits of yams

"Yam is a good source of energy; 100 g provides 118 calories. Its crunchy edible part chiefly composed of complex carbohydrates and soluble dietary fiber.
Yams can help restore and balance hormones.
Dietary fiber helps reduce constipation, decrease bad (LDL) cholesterol levels by binding to it in the intestines and lower colon cancer risk by preventing toxic compounds in the food from adhering to the colon mucosa. Additionally, being a good source of complex carbohydrates, it regulates steady rise in blood sugar levels, and, for the same reason, recommended as low glycemic index healthy food.
The tuber is an excellent source of B-complex group of vitamins. It provides adequate daily requirements of pyridoxine (vitamin B6), thiamin (vitamin B1), riboflavin, folic acid, pantothenic acid and niacin. These vitamins mediate various metabolic functions in the body.
Fresh root also contains good amounts of anti-oxidant vitamin; vitamin-C. Provides about 29% of recommended levels per 100 g. Vitamin C has some important roles in anti-aging, immune function, wound healing, and bone growth.
Yam contains small amounts of vitamin-A, and beta-carotene levels. Carotenes convert to vitamin A in the body. Both these compounds are strong antioxidants. Vitamin A has many functions like maintaining healthy mucus membranes and skin, night vision, growth and protection from lung and oral cavity cancers.
Further, the tuber is indeed one of the good sources of minerals such as copper, calcium, potassium, iron, manganese, and phosphorus. 100 g provides about 816 mg of Potassium. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids, which helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure by countering hypertensive effects of sodium. Copper is required in the production of red blood cells. Manganese is used by the body as a co-factor for the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase. Iron is required for red blood cell formation." (1)

Turmeric is also a great way to help increase the body’s progesterone levels, which is particularly useful for women going through menopause or those who have gone off birth control pills.

Progesterone may be the overlooked steroid hormone, but without it there can be no hormonal balance and no homeostasis. Optimal levels of progesterone are essential for the maintenance and balance of our internal terrain. Progesterone is primarily a female hormone. In women progesterone is normally present only during the second half of the monthly cycle, coming on stage just as estrogen is exiting. This relationship reflects the fact that progesterone is the primary balancing hormone for the aggressive tendencies of estrogen.

Hormone Balancing Booster Juice
(Recipe adapted from:

– 1 medium yam (about 2 cups worth)
– 2 inches turmeric root
– 3 large carrots
– 1 medium cucumber
– 4 celery stalks
– 1 lemon (peel if not organic)

Juice the above ingredients in a juicer such as the Omega, and enjoy immediately to prevent oxidation!

GREGG MC BRIDE Lost 250 Pounds - The Gregg McBride Story

Just Stop Eating So Much! Completely Revised and Updated: The No-nonsense, Common Sense Way to Lose Weight and Feel Great

No fad dieting, just good common sense. I follow him on face book. It's worth listening to if your tried too many of these so called experts who's book just doesn't pan out for you. I get some good idea from a person who has done his homework personally.

SubsttitueTry Capers For Salt

  1. Anticarcinogens: Capers and their uses on Dr. Oz show and was impressed to add them to my diet because of the salt (substitute) benefits along with their healthy influences. Celery and/or/ its seed will act as a salt substitute also. Dash is a salt sub found at the super markets in many varieties of flavors.
  2. In Greek popular medicine, a herbal tea made of caper root and young shoots is considered beneficial against rheumatism. Dioscoride (MM 2.204t)[clarification needed] also provides instructions on the use of sprouts, roots, leaves and seeds in the treatment of strangury and inflammation.
    Medicinal properties
    Different flavonoids were identified in caper bush and capers: rutin (quercetin 3-rutinoside), quercetin 7-rutinoside, quercetin 3-glucoside-7-rhamnoside, kaempferol-3-rutinoside, kaempferol-3-glucoside, and kaempferol-3-rhamnorutinoside. Rutin has no known toxicity. Capers contain more quercetin per weight than any other plant.
    In fact, the hydrolysis products of indol-3-ylmethyl glucosinolates have anticarcinogenic effects. Glucosinolates are known to possess goitrogenic (anti-thyroid) activity. Rutin and quercetin may contribute to cancer prevention. Selenium, present in capers at high concentrations in comparison with other vegetable products, has been associated with the prevention of some forms of cancer.
  3.  In ancient Greece caper is known as a carminative.
    In Biblical times, the caper berry was apparently supposed to have aphrodisiac properties; the Hebrew word abiyyonah (אֲבִיּוֹנָה) for caperberry is closely linked to the Hebrew root אבה, meaning "desire". The word occurs once in the Bible, in the book of Ecclesiastes, at verse 12:5.
 There is a difference between flower bud, berries and root.
  4.  I loved the sauce on Dr Oz show which was a  lemon capa salad dressing. I like salt, fresh grown pepper i.e. with my salads for accent.
    Sodium is 2960 mg 197%
    2 g protein and 3 g fiber

Capparis spinosa, canned, Nutrient value per 100 g
(Source: USDA National Nutrient data base)
PrincipleNutrient ValuePercentage of RDA
Energy23 Kcal1%
Carbohydrates4.89 g4%
Protein2.36 g4%
Total Fat0.86 g3%
Cholesterol0 mg0%
Dietary Fiber3.2 g8%

Folates23 mcg6%
Niacin0.652 mg4.5%
Pantothenic acid0.027 mg0.5%
Pyridoxine0.023 mg2%
Riboflavin0.139 mg11%
Thiamin0.018 mg1.5%
Vitamin A138 IU4%
Vitamin C4.3 mg7%
Vitamin E0.88 mg6%
Vitamin K24.6 mcg20.5%

Sodium2954 mg197%
Potassium40 mg1%

Calcium40 mg4%
Copper0.374 mg42%
Iron1.67 mg21%
Magnesium33 mg8%
Manganese0.078 mg3%
Phosphorus10 mg1%
Selenium1.2 mcg2%
Zinc0.32 mg3%

Carotene-ß83 mcg--
Carotene-α0 mcg--
Cryptoxanthin-ß0 mcg--
Lutein-zeaxanthin0 mcg--

Sesame Califlower Rounds

Sesame Cauliflower Rounds

Prep time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 1 hour
Total time: 1 hour 15 minutes
Yield: 36 rounds

Ingredients (sub. other seeds)

  • 4 cups
    Cauliflower flowerets, roughly chopped
  • 1/4 cup
    Golden flaxseed meal
  • 2 Tbsp.
    Chia seeds
  • 1/3 cup
    Sesame seeds
  • 1 tsp.
  • 3 Tbsp.
    Coconut oil, melted
  • 1/3 cup
  • 1 cup
    Sesame seeds for topping

Cooking Directions

  1. Place cauliflower in a food processor and pulse until it resembles kernels of rice. Add golden flaxseed meal, chia seeds, sesame seeds, salt, melted coconut oil and water. Process until a dough is created (it should form a ball in the food processor). Chill dough until firm, 3 to 4 hours.
  2. Preheat oven to 300 degrees F (149 degrees C). Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  3. Roll rounded teaspoonfuls of dough into balls, then roll balls in sesame seeds. Place balls 3 inches apart on prepared baking sheet. Place a 4 inch square piece of parchment paper on top of a ball of dough, then flatten ball with a spatula, resulting in a 2 to 3 inch round. Repeat with remaining balls of dough on baking tray.
  4. Bake rounds for 30 minutes, flip with spatula and bake for another 30 minutes or until rounds are dry in center. Repeat process with remaining dough.
  5. Cool rounds completely before serving.

Artemisinin: Wormwood is a Cancer Bomb Saputo, MD

Hello Dr. Saputo:
        I am a practitioner of Chinese Medicine and have been using Artemesia , cloves and a tincture made from Black Walnut, for 18 years with great success on my cancer patients. Get started on the human trials as soon as possible. I have not seen any negative side effects on any of my patients.
The Artemesia can be easily grown and works very well as a natural product.
In Chinese, it is called Qing Hao Su. Artemesia, or Wormwood, is written in the Bible 8 times, which proves that it has been used for at least 2000 years safely.

Dan Marino

It's wormwood that's written in the bible, not 'sweet' wormwood. Wormwood used along with black walnut is an anti parasitic (removes parasites from the colon / digestive track). Sweet wormwood (Qing Hao Su / Artemisia) is what is being discussed by Dr. Saputo and is used as an alternative cancer treatment.

In Rev. Wormwood is mentioned (It is one of the bitters).


Ways To Make Vegetable Snacks, Cauliflower Kettle-Corn

Kettle corn Cauliflower
serves 1 (A cancer with sulphur heterosides medicine)
1 cup cauliflower, cut into small florets
 1/4 t garlic powder
 1/8 t red pepper flakes
 salt+pepper to taste
 1/2 t honey
 1 t breadcrumbs
1. Preheat oven to 425°
 2. Place cauliflower on a baking sheet sprayed with cooking spray in a single layer.
 3. Sprinkle with spices and honey, toss to combine and ensure that all cauliflower is coated in the honey.
 4. Sprinkle breadcrumbs over the cauliflower and place in oven.
 5. Bake for 20-25 minutes, until the edges of the cauliflower begin to brown. Serve hot.
This next variations was on Dr. Oz "diet snacks' show
1 head cauliflower, broken into small florets
 juice of 1 lemon
2 tbsp hot sauce, or more to taste
2 tbsp smoked paprika
1 pinch salt
Sauce: This has a nice sauce with it or make your own style.
1 cup plain Greek yogurt
1/2 lemon, juice and zest
1/4 tsp Stevia
 a few dashes of hot sauce
Another is this one: mix and match suggestions
Cauliflower kettle corn
coconut oil
sea salt
mix together spread on a cookie sheet,
425 degrees for 35 min or until crispy In this recipe she adds in maple syrup
This Kettle Corn Variant uses these spices:
1/4 t garlic powder, 1/8 t red pepper flakes, salt and pepper to taste with 1/2 honey and 1 tbs breadcrumbs.
If you just want a Kettle Corn snack this pinterest site has many ideas.
Another way to use Cauliflower is in a Crisps

Cauliflower Crisps

Cauliflower Crisps
Cauliflower florets of 1 cauliflower
For Batter
Corn flour – 5-6 tbsps
Plain flour/Maida – 1/2 cup
Salt to taste
Pepper powder – 1/4tsp
Red chilli powder/Cayenne – 1/2 tsp
Ginger garlic paste – 1/4tsp
Water to mix – 1/4 cup
Need oil for deep fry
1.Prepare cauliflower into florets and wash.
2.Heat a vessel with enough water and add a tsp of salt and parboil cauliflower florets for 3-4 mins and drain.
3. prepare batter and add the florets to the batter and let coat well .
4. Heat oil in a pan and drop the cauliflower florets one by one,fry in batches.Do not crowd altogether to avoid sticking together.
5. Fry till golden brown and drain onto paper towels.
Serve hot if you like more crispy or keep covered to have soft ones
Serve with your favourite lunch or dinner as side dish or as appetizers….prepare this dish as its the highly available season of cauliflowers.

Cauliflower Crisps served along with spring onions