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Foods That Balance Hormones

Consuming yams and turmeric you could actually help balance your hormones! Yup, crazy but true.

Yams (family Dioscoreaceae) are native to Africa and Asia and other tropical regions. Yams are starchy tubers that have an almost black bark-like skin and white, purple or reddish flesh and come in many varieties. The tubers can be as small as regular potatoes or grow upwards of five feet long.(2) Yams are not to be confused with sweet potatoes they are actually two different species of root vegetables completely unrelated.

Health benefits of yams

"Yam is a good source of energy; 100 g provides 118 calories. Its crunchy edible part chiefly composed of complex carbohydrates and soluble dietary fiber.
Yams can help restore and balance hormones.
Dietary fiber helps reduce constipation, decrease bad (LDL) cholesterol levels by binding to it in the intestines and lower colon cancer risk by preventing toxic compounds in the food from adhering to the colon mucosa. Additionally, being a good source of complex carbohydrates, it regulates steady rise in blood sugar levels, and, for the same reason, recommended as low glycemic index healthy food.
The tuber is an excellent source of B-complex group of vitamins. It provides adequate daily requirements of pyridoxine (vitamin B6), thiamin (vitamin B1), riboflavin, folic acid, pantothenic acid and niacin. These vitamins mediate various metabolic functions in the body.
Fresh root also contains good amounts of anti-oxidant vitamin; vitamin-C. Provides about 29% of recommended levels per 100 g. Vitamin C has some important roles in anti-aging, immune function, wound healing, and bone growth.
Yam contains small amounts of vitamin-A, and beta-carotene levels. Carotenes convert to vitamin A in the body. Both these compounds are strong antioxidants. Vitamin A has many functions like maintaining healthy mucus membranes and skin, night vision, growth and protection from lung and oral cavity cancers.
Further, the tuber is indeed one of the good sources of minerals such as copper, calcium, potassium, iron, manganese, and phosphorus. 100 g provides about 816 mg of Potassium. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids, which helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure by countering hypertensive effects of sodium. Copper is required in the production of red blood cells. Manganese is used by the body as a co-factor for the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase. Iron is required for red blood cell formation." (1)

Turmeric is also a great way to help increase the body’s progesterone levels, which is particularly useful for women going through menopause or those who have gone off birth control pills.

Progesterone may be the overlooked steroid hormone, but without it there can be no hormonal balance and no homeostasis. Optimal levels of progesterone are essential for the maintenance and balance of our internal terrain. Progesterone is primarily a female hormone. In women progesterone is normally present only during the second half of the monthly cycle, coming on stage just as estrogen is exiting. This relationship reflects the fact that progesterone is the primary balancing hormone for the aggressive tendencies of estrogen.

Hormone Balancing Booster Juice
(Recipe adapted from:

– 1 medium yam (about 2 cups worth)
– 2 inches turmeric root
– 3 large carrots
– 1 medium cucumber
– 4 celery stalks
– 1 lemon (peel if not organic)

Juice the above ingredients in a juicer such as the Omega, and enjoy immediately to prevent oxidation!

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