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Fresh Apple Late Night Snack
Make this balanced organically grown (?) apple snack in the morning to macerate the flavors together by night. We all get tired of just eating an apple everyday. I started out with doing the first 6 ingredients and mayo for salad dressing, then changed it to; what else is in my cupboard?
Ingredients (This is a method recipe, eyeball to your own tastes) You may have to add in more proportional if your doing it for more than two persons. My dog loves a tbls. of this late night snack.
1.2 diced small apples per person (peeled if not organically grown)
2.2 stakes of celery (diced)
3.Hand full of nut meats, and or coconut (shredded)
4.2 tbs Agave or sugar if apples are not sweet enough
5.1 pkg. True Lemon = 2 wedges lemon
6.Liquids: mix vanilla - lemon yogurt, mayo, (real whip before serving - Use one, two or all until creamy)
7.Raisins or grapes are not necessary, but nice if you have them on hand
*Nuts can be chopped peanuts, walnuts, pecans, sunflower seeds or others.
Try chopping everything then place them in a large baggy, add in the liquids squeeze and mix to serve later, or ready to transport to work for you snack time.


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