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Asparagus Soup (Cancer Food)

Cream of Asparagus Soup (The herb for stomach, kidney stones, and cancer.) Click: for more info.
This is about amounts: A more method recipe...not exact... "about"
*¼ cup chopped onion
*4 pieces of carrots (optional)
*2 diced okra (thickens soups and a great stomach healer) Or, substitute 2 Tbs. Corn Starch-in cool cream or liquid.
*½ teaspoon salt and fresh ground pepper (Taste before adding, canned asparagus has salt.)
*Pint of heavy cream or half/half i.e. (add until opaque in color) ..................................
*Optional is the: 2 tablespoons of cornstarch to thicken it, add to a cooled liquid so not to lump than to the last part of the cooking)
*One can of "Giant" or "Stokers" asparagus and juice (substitute: fresh cooked asparagus in the same amount) (These brand are organic that's needed for healing and taste.)
Caramelize onion, carrots, and okra until brown in medium pot.
Add in canned asparagus with juice and the cornstarch if used. Blend all with hand blender, or blender until its liquidifies; then to a slow boil until thick. The milk or cream will scorch if not continually stirred. (To thin it out just add in more milk or water.) (Left-overs if any just freeze and add as a base to other soups)
Garnish: Cut up some chopped tips and sprinkle on top if you started with fresh asparagus.
***Notes: The okra is a fantastic "soup thickener." (Herb or vegetable for the stomach.) Keep a frozen bag in freezer if you make many soups. The other benefit of okra is its an excellent stomach soother and brings the body back to alkaline. This is a stomach herb but known as a vegetable. The soup could be made without it.
I keep left over vegetable in plastic bags and always have left-overs for soups, but not more than three main ingredients makes a strong, flavorful, delicious soup. Too much in the pot ruins the brew. Only a few pieces of carrots will give more vitamins (carotene's),but not take over the focus flavor.
The cream will not raise blood sugar levels, if you do not have this problem just add milk (milk has natural sugars. There will be not as creamy flavor. Use organic butters (no fat-hormone or chemicals)
You can change the focus of the same blending of another main vegetable doing the same method then adding the process of the other ingredients.

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