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Oils, Essential Omega Three
Essential Three's Omegas’ This information is through out my blog pages, but not clear so a rewrite is in order. If it’s becoming common knowledge I won’t cover it because of space. We’ve all been the rounds with fats in the diet and it changes all the time. Take a good look at the discarded books at the thrift stores. So I tend to stay away from fads, and so called new research that we’ve all seen, if you’re as old as myself, can prove anything. A wise person would find out who’s paying and backing the research. And I know that difficult to track down for they’ve become good at covering their tracks. If new data come in about fats I’ll be there too and change this page. Have these manufacturers cured anything? I feel less pain and weigh less because of the omega 3’s and by not leaving them out in the diet. So I will take a stand here for the essential two 3 and 6 because they say they are essential to the body but not directly essential for the others. For several reasons I feel a need to be more emphasizing this areas. I am concentrating on the Omega 3 for now, but have to explain why.
1. They’re four omega oils. The trans fat that are now being taken out of the foods (Hardening types of fats) source…animal and this should give you an idea on meat consumption too. Included is the saturated fats all are not the good fats.
2. For weight, depression, (mental health) and, pain control I’m going to mostly point out the omega’s 3’s (ALA) DHA concentrating on these.
3. Linoleic Acid or omega 6’s (GLA) Oleic Acid is oils mostly come from seeds.
4. The omega 9 comes in olive oil, and such cooking oils, but is not the essential omegas for repairing our bodies, but need to be health promoting. Six and nine omegas are needed to feed, maintaining the body functioning. Depending on how sick, we may need about 2-4 grams, per meal.
We need the 3’s to keep nails soft and bendable. The quick breaking of nails is a real gage that you may be lacking in this oil. This is a physical sign showing how our insides are functioning, like in the softening of arteries (cellular), circulatory, metabolic, platelets, cholesterol, tryglycerides, cardiovascular system, autoimmune, and nerve functioning. An energy source and it satisfying hunger (lipids) and cravings. It good for eyesight, Alzheimer’s, ADHD, ADD, or any brain disorders of the brain that needs omega fat to function at its peak of capacity. It helps with any inflammations like arthritis and such condition of the joins. Even allergies, MS and many more conditions. (4-6 grams or more a day) We tend to be depleted of the omega 3’s.
And the 6’s are as necessary to keep cellular walls healthy, keep healing molecules working and tissues. It calms any swelling and fights infections. For hormone functioning and promotes health. Remember the pollutants are in the fat so make sure they are from a good, cold pressed, organic source without using solvents like hexane and such. Even plants can be too anemic and polluted to produce health. We tend to get more omegas 6 than we need.
All Fish oil (omega 3) needs to come from water far away from shores, like Norwegian or Northern Atlantic waters i.e. and no mercury. This is not a vegetarian source and those that are allergic to fish need to go to another source listed here. The smaller fish have less mercury.
Flaxseed oil (Linumusitatissimum)(This is 3’s and so are all seed oils)ALA, LA Omega 6), Oleic Acid (9), and other fatty acids may be in this product. (Phytonutrients 72 mg) *note, that Flaxseed oil is (Linseed oil too) Watch and read labels this product it may be tampered with by piranhas in the health food business.
Borage oil (6) GLA (Gamma-linolenic acid)and LA (Linoleic Acid),(hormonal tempering), It has some omega 9's, Oleic Acid 12-18 %.
Black Current oil GLA (All fruit type of oils are 6 but, if mixed with their seed they’ll have both oils 3’s) (Rich oil)
Evening Primrose oil (6, GLA) Gamma-Linolenic Acid
Neptune Knill Oil (3) EPA and DHA
Cod Liver Oil (This because it comes from the Liver (has to be) more organic because the liver has all the pollutants of the animal or fish. (3 EPA)
Mixed Fish oils etc. (EPA 3)
Salmon oil (3)
Green leafy vegetables have lots of all the omega’s in them.
Other oils:
Avocado oil (An excellent Mono Fat…1 Tbs = 10 grams)
Nut oils (macadamia, hazelnut, walnut, etc.) Natural vitamins, minerals and enzymes, are 6’s OA’s & palmitic, oleic, linoleic and linolenic fatty acids like in walnut oil. (These are a mixed bag because they can also be seeds in a raw state.
Coconut oils (saturated vegetable fat) MCT.s (get the one not deodorized and unrefined) and if in a seed stage its entails some of the other properties too.
Rice Oil (grain oils) No GMO rice’s it has human genes now and doesn’t have to be on the labels.
Seed oils like sesame oil or grape seed (6)
Tonalin (CLA oil) capsules are being sold now as a diet aid. I reported the assets of Saffron oil for weight reduction in 2002 and found the substitute for Saffron. It’s also good for weight reduction working on dissolving the fat of the body which is Safflower (tonalin). Organically grown Safflower oil, cold pressed, is use it in cooking! SUNFLOWER OIL, OR OIL FROM SEEDS ARE GREAT FUNGAL FIGHTERS.
Olive Oil a Oleic Acid and monounsaturated fat (has to be a from a good first cold pressing green oil)
Lecithin is another weight loss aid and coconut oil but not so successful in cooking. And there are books on this subject more in health food stores.
* Watch how manufactures package these products. Some are more valuable to your aim for health than others. Others are “diluting” their power with its over all affect by fortifying with other similar ingredients in the same product.
**Add in the Omega 3's, two to four each, meal for more weight loss and to control hunger, just opposite of what is now the popular fad being taught. It's the same amount for pain and depression. **If you have any problem handling the fish oils take them with yogurt and, or 1 tbs of raw apple cider vinegar. Well if it changes so will I…YOU TOO. It’s all I know on the subject if you have more add in the comments. Thanks.
© P.T. Sherman All right reserved.
Is Your Vitamin E Causing You More Harm than Good? --click Vitamin E is indispensable to your synthetic forms body's antioxidant system, but almost all vitamin E supplements today are that may cause more harm than good. It's nearly impossible to find a natural source vitamin E that contains the essential mixed tocopherols plus tocotrienols?
*DHA is Docosahexaenoic Acid (healthy circulation) and EPA is Eicosapentaenoic Acid (brain, eyes and nervous system). ALA is Alpha-Linolenic Acid, Essential Oils not deluted in olive oils and made with the whole organic plant: Craig and Sarah Gallie Kirkland, WA. Please contact: 1-425-828-3631 E-mail Creig

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