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Carrot Cookies

When I had nothing fancy for my children's for an afternoon snacks I make these little nutritional gems, Lemon Carrot Cookies. I always had a garden and plenty of fresh tasty carrots. These are nothing like heavy carrot cake style of cookies which are heavy. These are light with no spices except for lemon.
I'm real fussy as you can imagine if you've read any of my Earth's Organic News blog posts. Making cookies from a vegetable I wouldn't have done except someone gave me one and I love it.These are great when you crave something lemony. I love specializing on baking that can't be bought at the market. I have seen recipes that cook the carrots before adding into the cookie dough. I never did but if that's your style go for it. Try it once (no corn syrups, that's why our children are hungry all the time and over weight. None of my children was over-weight. Use organically grown or very tasty strong carrots some of the carrots are not tasty anymore. (GMO) The photo is sorta what they look like. I couldn't find an image of the carrots part and the way they look or turn out...?
Carrot Cookies
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup grated carrots
1 egg
2 cup flour
1/2 cup margarine, but butter makes a nicer taste.
2 teaspoons baking powders
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 or more lemon flavoring (optional, some zest)
Mix and bake at 350 12-14 minutes (These will stay moist)
You can ice these but I never did...they were good enough without. For parties add a bit of little lemon in powdered sugar, orange zest for color or lemon, to make plain thin frosting etc
(You can always add protein powder to slow absorbtion of sugar release spikes down (blood sugar)

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