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Distilled Water Secrets UN Doesn't Want You to Know!

This is the distiller I have from sears. I like distilled water for the pH level is 7 and helps my tendencies for it stones and help with my weight. The distiller has lasted a long time. The spout is plastic; that's not good. I saw same home made distiller made from pressure cookers, however watch what kind of metals are involved.
The best waters are Fiji (7.5) Avian (7.8) A normal blood is (7.35)
Crude distiller is in this story.
New-herbs can clean up waters: Mushrooms s & can even clean up oil slicks of water. Other ex:
*Oyster mushrooms, heavy metals

Patented maybe filed to salt water, and feed people; glutinosus hideous comphidus

Uranium: The Nuclear Forest Recovery Zone Gomphch

The mushroom becomes radio active:

Japanese Nuke plant, by planting the whole area to mushrooms. This mushroom will absorb radio active materials and will flourish on concrete. see post: mushrooms

*will grow food.(this is my electric one)

I almost died, once in my life, from recurring kidney stones. I was spending many weekends, writhing on a cot in an emergency room, trying to pass kidney stones. Finally I had to have surgery in 1977, in which a doctor cut my kidney in half to get a stone out of it. I reasoned that the material from which the stone was made, had to come from somewhere. We had precipitated crystals in college chemistry, by starting a metal molecule in solution, then "doping" it every day for a long time, with a rich solution containing the "seed" salt. I reasoned that if the material making my kidney stones came from the water I was drinking, I needed to switch to distilled water which contains nothing but water. I did that, have been drinking distilled water ever since, and so far, I have not passed another stone in all those years.
Post 57
As I was reading the mixed reviews about distillers, I became compelled to share my own first-hand experience with them. About two years ago, I nearly died from a rare disease. I was put on a very heavy and toxic medication for the rest of my life. The medication was so toxic that within 24 hours the odor of my urine became very pungent and overpowering smelling and has never been normal since. I realized that this was a sure-fire indicator that my liver and kidneys were working overtime trying to keep up with the toxicity of my medication and were obviously at their limits. During the last few months I finally tried drinking a lot more tap water in my attempt to give my body more water to dilute and rid itself of the toxins. That only made the odor stronger. This puzzled me so I then started to research this. I knew that our drinking water had “things” added to it to supposedly make it safe for drinking, however, little did I realize how toxic these chemical additives were. After much research, my conclusions led me to the purchase of a cheap and used distiller. After purchasing and trying it, I was very disappointed in its performance. The water had a very strong chemical odor to it and it also had a predominant chemical taste to it as well. Since the unit had a plastic exterior, I assumed that certain interior components of it must have been made of plastic as well. As the water got hot, it must have made contact with these components and caused a toxic chemical reaction with the distilled water. I had the finished water drip into a metal pot instead of using the plastic jug that was included so that the jug would not be part of this initial trial. I ended up placing the distiller back in its box and never tried to use it again. I was not going to replace one poisonous toxin with a potentially more dangerous one. Still having faith in this common sense technology, I then decided to spare no expense and purchase a distiller of far superior construction which had absolutely no plastic in it whatsoever. Even the collector jar was made of glass. I chose this model because I was impressed with its quality of construction. Upon its arrival, I set up the distiller and produced distilled water with it. I was very impressed with the water. It had absolutely no taste or scent to it at all and that was only the start. Literally, within 24 hours and for the first time in over two years, the functions of my liver and kidneys seemed to totally go back to normal and my urine was no longer pungent and strong. It became subtle and unnoticeable just like it was before I ever started taking the strong medication. I drew the conclusion that my body’s organs no longer had to filter out the chlorine, fluoride and other poisons from the water that I drank. As a result, they were finally able to successfully filter out the toxins from the medication without being overtaxed in the process. I can’t begin to imagine the other, less obvious, benefits I’m gaining from such pure water. In any event, I really feel like my investment is going to add years of good health to my life. Now regarding stories of people getting abdominal pains or thinking they’re dying from drinking distilled water, there are obviously other factors at play that are causing physical issues for them. I nearly got poisoned from my first distiller because of its cheap plastic parts chemically combining with the steam or distilled water, thus, producing poisonous water. Secondly my neighbor is a clinical laboratory scientist. She told me that due to the nature of the minerals that are in unfiltered tap water, our bodies are never able to absorb and properly use them anyway. She said that our bodies get most of the minerals that are required through the fruits and vegetables we eat – not through the water we drink. Finally, the water aboard naval vessels goes through both the distillation process and the reverse osmosis process. If thousands of sea-going marines are drinking distilled water, do the math please! My distiller has rescued me from potential organ damage and is quite likely no prolonging my good health and life. Let’s not be so “uneducated”, to be polite, and face the really obvious… Drinking pure distilled water, free from poisonous toxins is good for you. Drinking poison toxins is bad for you.

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