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AUTHOR: Ian Punnett was joined by producer of the new documentary, Farmageddon, and family farm advocate, Kristin Canty, discussed how small family farms that use to provide safe, healthy foods to their communities have been forced to stop, sometimes through violent action, by agents of misguided government bureaucracies. Fifteen years ago, she was tryed to find a way of easing her young son with severe allergies and learned about the positive effects of a natural diet, including raw milk. After struggling with the concept that "raw milk can be good for you," Canty tried it for a few weeks and felt her own health improve. Following that, she fed her son the unpasteurized milk and it "completely cured all of his allergies within a very short period of time." (That's because in the WHOLE, FRESH, RAW STATE, is the "land of milk and honey" scripture history and was a perfect food.) pts
Members of several 'buying clubs,' or co-ops where families work together to acquire fresh food from local farms. She became concerned upon learning that government raids on these clubs and farms was becoming a common occurrence.

To that end, she shared the story of one family in Lagrange, Ohio that formed a buying club which grew to 50 or 60 members. Subsequently, the Ohio Department of Agriculture "got wind of it," sent 11 armed men to the family's home, and confiscated all of their food as well as personal computers and cell phones. (Forming buying Co opes would cut into big corporation's-  Wall Street profits and they are out to stop this kind of movements. Don't ever forget the government controls farming, seeds, and all our food supplies in investments. They buy back milk from the farmers for schools, military etc.)

"In the end, on a warrant, it just said that it was a 3rd degree misdemeanor. They never ended up being charged with anything," she revealed. Ultimately, Canty speculated that the raid was fueled by a desire to control the food supply chain, their prices and was "more of an intimidation thing to discourage them."

Canty stressed that the government raids on farms and buying clubs, in the name of food safety, fails to address the real issues. "Instead of going after where the problems really are..."in the industrial food system," such as massive, unclean slaughterhouses and factories, she lamented that "they're going onto the farms and saying the farms are dirty." Theirs nothing more dirty than Wal Mark's China and Mexico's produce in my opinion.
If the organic cheese doesn't come from raw milk it isn't organic...

By raising awareness about the issue, it hopes that further regulation can allow for average citizens to easily and legally get raw foods from their local farms. Currently, she said, 28 states allow for the sale raw milk and the FDA recently announced that they have no plans to prosecute people for transporting such goods across states lines.

This may effect prices at the stores, stocks, marketing, plants, food business i.e. which the government and Wall Street controls. Too much private or our popular organic movement can squash their business and means big bucks. That's the bottom line. However, back-yard chicken raising doesn't seem to effect the egg prices and their are truly organic which I raised chickens myself, and those organic eggs in the HFS are not organic. Ask any farmer who has raised chicken.  The color and taste give it away.
It would be nice to see more signs that hear from word of mouth...

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