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COCONUT OIL  has amazing health promoting properties, one it a natural nut and an amazing antifungal.

There are two categories of the oil. Virgin coconut oil retains the flavor of coconut and can be used any way you want to enjoy the taste. Expeller pressed coconut oil has a neutral taste and smell.

Regardless of which one you get, it will be a solid below 75 degrees and a liquid over 75 degrees.

Following is a list of symptoms positively affected by ingesting coconut oil:

1) Viruses; kills those that cause the flu, herpes, measles, hepatitis C, AIDS, SARS and other illnesses

2) Bacteria; kills those that cause throat infections, pneumonia, ulcers, urinary tract infections, gum disease and cavities, and other diseases

3) Fungi and yeasts; kills those that cause diaper rash, thrush, athlete’s foot, ringworm, candidiasis and other infections.

4) Parasites; expels or kills lice, giardia, tapeworms and other parasites

5) Weight loss; a) helps create immediate energy instead of storing as fat b) helps lose weight by taking a tbsp in hot water 30 min before a meal. If you weigh 130 to 180 pounds, 4 ½ tbsp a day; if you weigh more than 180 pounds up to 6 tbsp a day. 6) Gastrointestinal tract and digestion; 1) improves digestion and absorption of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and essential fatty acids 2) relieves symptoms of Crohns disease, ulcerative colitis and stomach ulcers 3) improves bowel function 4) relieves hemorrhoid pain

7) Gallbladder; helps relieve symptoms of gallbladder disease

8) Kidney and bladder: 1) helps protect against disease and infection and 2) helps dissolve kidney stones

9) Liver; helps prevent liver disease

10) Thyroid: supports thyroid function and is particularly helpful for those with hypothyroid disease

11) Bones and teeth; a) supports the development of strong bones and teeth b) helps protect against osteoporosis c) helps prevent gum disease and tooth decay

12) Heart health; a) improves cholesterol ratios b) protects arteries from atherosclerosis and therefore heart disease

13) Insulin and blood sugar; a) improves insulin secretion and ability to use blood glucose b) relieves symptoms and helps reduce health risks associated with diabetes

14) Prostate: helps relieves symptoms from enlarged prostate

15) Chronic fatigue syndrome; helps relieve symptoms.

How to get coconut oil into you daily:

1) Mix with a little bit of raw honey.
 2) Drink in hot tea
 3) Mix in smoothies
 4) Mix in hot chocolate
 5) Use in stir fries
 6) Mix in soups
 7) Substitute it for other oils in recipes
 8) Mix with almond butter and put on toast
 9) Substitute it for butter or half it with butter in baked goods
 10) Mix with nut butters and use as a dip for celery or apples
 11) Cook your pancakes in it
 12) Mix with pure maple syrup and use on pancakes and waffles
 13) Make chocolate/coconut candy
  14) Pop corn tastes better

In addition to taking internally, coconut oil reaps some real benefits when applied externally:

1) Psoriasis, eczema, rosacea and dermatitis; reduces symptoms

2) Creates a barrier to help ward off infection

3) Supports the natural chemical balance of the skin.

4) Softens skin and helps relieve dryness and flaking.

5) Provides protection from damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation from the sun.

6) Prevents wrinkles, sagging skin and age spots.

7) Hair; a) promotes healthy looking hair b) helps control dandruff
8) Removes eye makeup

9) Can be used as massage oil

My favorite source of coconut oil that is hand harvested and does not use chemical solvents of any kind in the processing comes from They often have sales and you can buy in large quantities.

 Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon and Mary Enig PhD; The Coconut Oil Miracle by Bruce Fife;;;