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Orgreenic pan is advertised to be a safe substitute to regular non-stick pans because it does not contain PFOA. EPA said that it is found in small quantities in regular non-stick pans. The agency has declared PFOA as a potential human carcinogen and has asked the non-stick industry to totally withdraw it from the market by 2015. Now, you realize why flaking and chipping non-stick coatings that can wear-off into your food is a serious concern of storing toxins and heavy metals entering and ruining your family's health. You may have heard that some of the non-stick surface are safe (exception is the Teflon products i.e.) but not about the company who invented this Orgreenic market. There’s nothing “green” about it or “organic,” a play on word for marketing to the Organic buyers who will pay more for a good product. While you certainly don’t want any pan or cookware that no longer has its non-stick coating, also, we don’t want to worry about toxic particles flaking off into food and body.
"Orgreenic" is supposed to have, (no studies), a special non-toxic coating that's hard, yet covering up their aluminum. Before buying be sure to check out other words do your research. The reason for this is we are now recognizing that your type of pan can ruin healthy cooking, foods, and health. Teflon was known to kill birds at too high temperature by sending off its chemical fumes into the room. Nothing is ever said about waffle irons, pancake or grills etc. which still produces these same chemical by its non-stick purposes. I dislike eating out because I don't know what they cook on-in. It might be a good product check out this link .

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