Substitute or add in as many organic ingredients when or where ever obtainable in your area?
The last minute, add in the fresh egg, butter milk, milk, soy milk, almond, rice or coconut milk etc., oil, berries or powdered egg whites or see my egg substitute post for the egg substitutes. Add in a bit more oil and some sour dough for waffles instead of pancakes. (or sub. the oil as flaxseed flour, or yogurt in part of the recipe) ="">
Another idea or change could be to leaving out the sugar and the last minute before cooking add in, the better sub. sugars, or just sugar instead of corn syrup, honey or molasses, or leave them out entirely. It’s your mix; giving you ideas of approximate measurement starting with this recipe method of portions.
Add enough water and/or leave out the powdered milk, add powder buttermilk or, (yogurt is a great substitute for buttermilk), fruit such as blue berries or cinnamon to makes it doable for pancakes or turn it to waffles adding in more oil for waffles at last minute. (This material is copyright and need permission to re print it publically. ptsherman)
*Remember, if your slow to use the mix up, put this in a container in your freezer to be frozen over night to kill weevils eggs and it will keep longer period of time with no bugs infections.
Serve with real maple syrup, honey and margarine or organic butter. Best cook in cast iron skillet.
8 cups organic bakers’ whole-wheat flour (a less gluten, soft spring wheat, not winter, sometimes called bakers whole wheat flower. Or, half and half of each choice of flour) Unbleached flour is not bromenaded flour, (a chemical to bleach it white and avoid)
4 Tbs. and 2 tsp. baking powders (no alum)
1/4-cup sugar or 1/8 cup honey i.e.
2 1/2 cup powdered milk or, use part_ ½ cup powdered buttermilk.(or last min. use fresh milk product even, butter milk or milk substitutes. (Try coconut cream)
1 1/2 cups mono cooking oil, or vegetable shortening or use the margarines, no gmo kind, now sold in groc. stores.
Optional is powdered eggs but I put mine in the last min. for freshness. (see: egg sub. on my post) I use flaxseed meal for eggs and it works wonderfully and gives me extra fiber too.
* I use about 2 tablespoons of yogurt instead of the butter milk the last minutes which keep the texture very moist. Because whole wheat can be dry if not enough water i.e. let it stand 3 minutes to soak up the liquid and loosen the gluten. If your family can't eat gluten flours no problem try other such no gluten flours (rice, buckwheat, part soy, almond, coconut and there are many more) but, keeping within the same portions.
Pancake Syrup2 1/2 cups of sugar
1 cup of water
1 Tbs of Molasses-Unsulphured Blackstrap are best if you want to make it a little healthy
1 tsp of Vanilla (or, to your tastes...add in Mapoline flavor for a maple flavor)
Combine Sugar,Water and Molasses. Bring to a boil and cook for 3 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in Vanilla & Let cool.. You're done! I keep most glass bottles and you can pour it into something like that. Be careful pouring it into plastic as it will melt it if to hot. I keep it in the frig too and just warm up in hot water when you need to use it.
Maple syrup or raw farmed honey is quite a treat and healthy too
I make lately: part of maple syrup for flavoring, maple syrup W. maple syrup favoring extract in agave syrup. This will make up plenty. The dark agave will be thick. It is the best syrup. Don't worry about using the other ingredient just store; can be make up fresh later.
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