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Pancakes for all seasons and are reasonable price that can be made nutritious for any time of day. Add 2 tbs oil if making waffles. Use a non-stick butter flavored spray to keep them from sticking to the waffle maker.
Old fashion pancakes

3/4 cup rolled oats (instead of white flour, or use another flour such as buckwheat, soy etc.)
3/4 cup whole wheat pastry flour (soft winter wheat instead of hard winter wheat)
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoons baking soda
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1 1/2 cups milk (protein source) or use coconut, rice or soy milk for vegan's
1 large beaten egg (or see "egg substitute" post)
Mix all the dry ingredients than the liquids and stir until combined. If you don't have a non-stick griddle, use a primed cast iron large skillet. Use a 1/4 cup for measuring out the pancakes until they bubble on the edges, then flip, Serve warm and add;.
Maple syrup to half honey with a bit of margarine or butter.

Try the following Fruit Sauce; whatevers in season or used frozen fruit durning the off seasons and even nuts, choc. chips i.e. It's your family's choices.
1/2 cup fruit or 1 pkg. frozen add 1 teaspoon lemon juice
1/2 cup plain or flavored_ a live bacillus yogurt for a creamier sauce. (or, heavy cream) Combine in food processor, blender or hand blender. You can strain through a sieve if you like it smooth. Drizzle the sauce over the pancakes and serve immediately.

Optional for sugar is to add Stevia drops until its as sweet as you like or just enough sugar 2-3 Tbs. Remember the fruit itself is sweet so it will depend on the ripen fruit used. Other ideas to add for variations;
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