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How long do parasite live? (keys to immortality?)  (Are we keeping our genes DNA's clear to be fed better than ever before? )

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Buy the best when you are sick and demand the best from growers. Grow your own organic gardens and save the fertile seeds, which is what seed producers do not want you or farmers to do. There is a shortage of organically grown food in our world right now. The public is beginning to wake up, because the food is not nutritionally good enough to keep anyone well, and are moving toward "green" life foods and earth.
Rom. 14: 2
2 For one believeth that he may eat all things: another, who is weak, eateth herbs.
Maybe you should not pass this page around so there will be more foods to kill off your own disease. It's actually occurred to me, however then there's no change at all to foods being produced.

Abr. 4: 11-12, 29-30
11 And the Gods said: Let us prepare the earth to bring forth
grass; the herb yielding seed; the fruit tree yielding fruit, after his kind, whose seed in itself yieldeth its own likeness upon the earth; and it was so, even as they ordered. (Man is disobedient to 'the laws of nature' and are polluting the originally life form or designs of plants and animals.) Its original seed progenitor its life forms of the that was extending to their healing properties. These fungal properties is the protectorate for the plants existent, of pollutants, and its enemy's. Using this same properties are passed onto and become its MISSION, (as design in the beginning) to bless the sick with healing. )
This History shows that God created the plants (life) before they were here, just as man, to bless man. It shows that plants are a life for too and have their own purpose, which is to bless man. Many have reported in their life/death experience explaining the saw plants vibrating energies and singing praises to God.

“And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew. For I, the Lord God, created all things, of which I have spoken, spiritually, before they were naturally upon the face of the earth” (
Moses 3:4–5). (this teaches pre-destinations of life forms)

 5 And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew. For I, the Lord God,
created all things, of which I have spoken, spiritually, before they were naturally upon the face of the earth.
*Allergies are caused because of parasites, altered, adulterated, non-whole foods.

*SEED THAT WILL NOT KILL PARASITES are the GMO's : Institute for Responsible Technology November 13, 2008
*Remember to use common sense, is "sweet" does not kill parasites. (Honey an exception, but not a plant.) Yet, the opposite, all bitters, (herbs or plants, and its seeds), is natures cue that they will take care of parasites. The plants have build into natures design that arm them with protection-defences against their enemies and that in-turn is passed on, if not modified, to human's. It's their mission, if you will, or design to bless man in this manner. One of the laws or design of nature. Plants will always give you cues.

Example: Many Fruits and Nuts are their own seeds. If infertile their useless for medically use. Black Walnut is also a seed. I planted a tree with a nut that fell from the tree. Hybrids will not produce fruit that multiplies or produces itself again.
(Organic Black Walnut Hull is great for Lupus if used correctly and not from a hybrid tree. (Read Gen. 1:29 use only seed bearing plants.) If not, it's a GMO food which is in it own famine of nutritional value. What is it going to pass on to you?

Other informational sites:
How long do parasite live? (keys to immortality?) (Nut, a seed, and an anti fungal, great for diarrhea too) Colon/parasites (Very good products)
This next site is a wholesale etc. house for herb. The Father was a good herbalist, but David is the brains behind the business now. Dr. Christopher is deceased. They have good herbs but not all is organically grown.
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