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Medical Uses of Onion's

Everyone knows that onions are great for cooking and in meals, but they are capable of so much more. To ensure onions are used to their fullest potential I'm going to add to the knowledge that onions are medicine. Differ kinds of onion have more or less sulfa (drug) that acts as an antibiotic. Onion's and honey with a bit of lemon is a great cough suppressant. Dr. David Christopher (UTAH) use to make-up his formula. One of my teaches told the story of the old times using an onion in a sick room to get rid of the germs etc. Here are a few more suggestions;
With these nine new ways to use onions you can find a remedy for burns, bad bug bites and splinters. Give onions the credit they deserve (even, if they make you cry every which is good for the eyes.) and put them to use with these unconventional hacks. Please tell us of your uses. Use natural organic onions in all recipes, the sweet or the strong will aid you to get rid of some parasite...
1. Onions Can Be Used To Treat & Heal Mosquito Bites.
Onion help reduce swelling and soothe the itching caused by mosquito bites. Moreover, their strong smell repels insects and mosquitoes.  Apply minced onion directly onto the affected area.  Leave it on for a few minutes, then wash it off.
2. Cut An Onion In Half & Rub It On Your Grill To Clean It
Your grill usually has a mass of charred remains on it that is very hard to get rid of. The hard mass deposits on your grill can be scrubbed off with a piece of onion. The purging qualities of onion juice soften the burned substance and the piece of onion scoops it off.
3. You Can Use An Onion To Polish Your Metal
Metals like brass and copper have to be polished with special care. There are different polishing solutions to clean them. But if you are in a hurry, then some onion juice will be enough to polish these metals temporarily.
4. Cut A Ring Out Of An Onion To Fry Your Eggs In For The Perfect Eggs
5. Rub Onions On A Burn To Help Take Away The Sting
Slice an onion and press in place until there is no more discomfort.
6. Onions Can Cancel Out Strong Paint Fumes
Onions, once cut open, are very powerful absorption tools. Cut a number of large onions into quarters and place them on plates throughout the room. The onions will effectively absorb the paint smell and for those sensitive pregnant noses, not to worry, the smell of onions will dissipate from the room far quicker than the smell of paint would have.
7. Storing Your Avocados With Onions Will Preserve The Avocado
One of the best way to keep a cut avocado green is to place it in a similarly sized airtight container with a piece of cut up onion. Cover it with a lid and refrigerate. I’ve had a cut avocado stay fresh for several days this way. I don’t know why this is, but I suspect that it has to do with the sulfur compounds that the onion releases. This is the same sulfur that makes you cry when you chop onions, but it is also used as a preservative. The onion’s smell and taste don’t seem to transfer to the avocado, as far as I can tell. But I’m not overly sensitive to onions, so you may want to check this out first if you are.
8. Hold Or Tape An Onion Slice To A Splinter To Make It Rise To The Surface
Apply a slice of fresh onion to draw the splinter to the surface of the skin.
please add: and the same values is garlic that's covered in my other blog