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CASSEROLE BREAD (no kneading)

Pioneer Casserole Bread
A time consuming recipe that requires no kneading necessarily. It is as quick as putting basic 4 ingredients together and popping it into the oven. This bread actually came out of Grandma Done's pioneer recipe book, which she would not let me borrow and take out of her home, so I copied it off there. I adapted it by using whole wheat, which it did not say if the original recipe was white or whole wheat. I took it home and have make it ever since. I love the crisp artisan crust! Remember the pioneer's had just basics, foods. That's why is also simple and cheap to make, however do make it up plain before adding in other ingredients. This is quick, easiest bread ever made to taste so good.
Of course, it is out of print in recipe books. In the antique recipe book, (Pioneer Book of 1890, Utah) no mention of modern gadgets helping in their bread making processes. Therefore, this was a delight. We are all too busy to knead bread, and this comes out so great and my style.
You can use all wheat (or mix ½ and ½ i.e.,). When you do add whole wheat, add less w/w flour or more water, than when using just white unbleached flour. *
You can sprout a little wheat and take the same amount out of the recipe as to the amount of sprouts you are adding. It reminds me of artisan breads, but more liquidity...
It is such an easy recipe for busy women, so enjoy it.
· 6 Cups Unbleached Flour
· 3-Cup Water
· 1 Tsp. Yeast
· 2 Tsp. Salt

*Optional is to use potato water or 1 Tbs. potato flakes it does something to the bread. Yum.
Mix all ingredients and cover in air tight container until doubles in bulk to bloom the yeast.
Beat down for better texture
Put in bread pan (Corning ware casserole dish is great) or such containers. Brush with butter or (shortening)
Let rise to top of pan
Bake at 350 for approximately 35-50 minutes (depending on your oven, elevations, and bread container)
* Use ½ - ¾ cup less for completely soft spring whole wheat for better baking sometimes-called bakers whole wheat.


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