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Semi (Fuzzy Lemon Drink (home made)

Sema, is A Mild Fizzy Lemon Drink, Sunday, March 27, 2005
Subject: Sema, A Mild Lemon Drink, Time: 6:59:00 PM EST
This takes the place of pop with all that fructose, fake sugars, and corn syrups that is really bad for all of us. It takes plain sugar. Yes, before we got flooded with all the substitutes in the market we were not as unhealthy nor fat.
The first time my family tasted Se ma it was at a church party and thought enough of the drink to buy a bottle caper making it myself. My son, Kym loved it, he was two at the time. The yeast and setting it up for a while gives it a bubble brew. (At first this has a funny sorta smell...permanent waving lotion?) But, the longer it sets up the better it gets but we didn't wait nor care it was so good)
Gradually growing out of it, my family's gone but I wanted to pass this recipe down for their emergency food supply of recipes to survive these bad times. Try to find a decent fuzzy pop without fructose or diet nonsense which makes my bones hurt. Once in a while I'll buy a drink and I tend to like the stuff made in Mexico. In one store near me they do have a new product that has real herbs in its root beet, but not many are in the market. I love ginger ale or sarsaparilla (thins blood herb) for different reasoning's. Very hard to find. Instead of all sugar if you can find frozen pear juice add it to the brew. Taste and cut way back on the sugar.
Maybe it's just me that's having that's having hard times because of all the prices. This does take time to make, so make it on a day when nothing else is planned.
A suggestion is you can save your brown root beer bottles and/or buy corks or invest in a bottle caper. Grape seed oil has a good bottle and comes with a cork too. I'm sure you may have other ideas in how to bottle this lemon drink.
Here's the recipe for the home brew:
6 Lemons (use only fresh organic lemon, because you use the zest which contains sprays)
3 lbs brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon yeast
5 gallons of water
Peel of yellow of lemon with zest er (no white) or potato peeler. Put in sauce pan and cut into Small hunks. Cover with water (about quart) and bring to a boil. (...this will be strained in the end process.)
Dump all in a 5 gallon stainless steel pan i.e and fill with warm water and then add the sugar. (alternately, sugar and water) Add yeast just before you add the last gallon of water.
Stir and let set overnight. Skin off lemons and seeds with sieve. (seeds has the anti fungal properties)
Bottle it and let set for 3-4 days. (I saved old dark bottles and got a bottle caper. Some cork it, I never could find a supplier.

Store in cool dark place. Makes 20-3 quarts

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