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Mini ideas and Traditions-are Not so obvious but we just don’t get it until we get all the information on all sides of the equation.
Take this one Coke versus Diet Coke which is better for the diabetic or for that matter any of us
Don’t you think the answer is obvious if if if you’ve done your homework. Eventually truth comes around it never goes away just we do.
Stevia has a malt sugar in it mini don’t know that so you’re actually getting sugar and secondly it is a sedative not a stimulant do you ever get sleepy tired? pay attention to your natural body singles it will give you clues.
It is best for us to be in the alkaline area I know that’s not always possible but it certainly will not be possible on acid Coke. And the caffeine in it yes it’ll get you up but you’ll go twice down.
Walmart has a sparkling water variety Big pack for 9💰 (no fake sugars at all no carbs either)
I wish I could say I never had a Coke or Pepsi definitely because Pepsi is for abortions and has had that fetus in a product that they took off the market I think NEXT? So I never patronize any product that legalize abortions. Coke versus Pepsi or sugar versus diet

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