“Tougher Times: geared weight-loss and, Diabetes problems also has herbs/formulas i. e., healthy living, and some unusual recipes; to help us keep weight aspartames' soda's and no antibiotics which kills healthy flora needed in our gut in weight reduction.
http://www.healthyfoodhouse.com/baking-soda-the-biggest-enemy-of-the-pharmaceutical-industry/ I have many of Doug's Koughman Books on Fungus. Which teach the best insightes to kill parasites on the market. I don't agree with all of his ways to his diet, but he is right on in killing fungus's out of the body. If you want to cure any disease you have to rid the body of parasites/fungus. Cancer is the body's build up toxic waste that parasite live on. The fungus is not the cancer.
The body needs to be in a good pH level also. If you have a food storage going load it with baking soda for so many ailments of healing and cleaning. I use it for everything as it is one of the best products.
A little-known plant with a truly bizarre name is now making headlines as a cancer killer, with the compound of the plant vanishing tumors in mice with pancreatic cancer. Known as the ‘thunder god vine’ or lei gong teng, the Chinese plant is actually integrated into Chinese medicine and has been used for ages in remedying a number of conditions including rheumatoid arthritis.
These Breakfast Oatmeal Raisin Cookies are great for the family on the run, they travel well and you can prepare the night before and bake in the morning. I originally was going to make these into 30 little cookies last night. Well, dinner went late and I totally forgot to make the cookies until the next morning and that is how they became a left-over or recycled Breakfast Oatmeal Raisin Cookies.
The oatmeal and cinnamon both boost your metabolism, this makes for a great way to get heart healthy oatmeal into your diet!
If you want to make 30 little cookies that will work great too, just bake for 10-15 minutes and use a tablespoon to make them into ping-pong sized balls. Also try my Peaches and Cream Oatmeal Cookies, are a delicious way to eat a non glutton cookie, which a hard find. You could add choc. chips instead of raisins i.e.
Makes 15 Breakfast Oatmeal Raisin Cookies.
¾ cup organic all-purpose flour (If gluten free- coconut or almond flour i.e mixed with rice f.)
½ tsp. baking soda
¼ tsp. sea salt
2 tbsp. unsalted butter at room temp
1 cup packed light brown sugar (I used only 1/2)
1 egg
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1/2 cup unsweetened apple sauce (I used smashed pear, sweeter)
2 cups quick oats
1 cup raisins (1/2 cup)
1 tsp. cinnamon (or, 1/2 + 1/2-apple pie spices)
Spray 2-3 cookie sheets with baking spray. In a small bowl combine flour, baking soda, cinnamon and salt. In a large bowl or standing mixer whip butter and sugar, add in egg and vanilla. Add in apple sauce and ⅓ cup of water. Now you can add the dry flour mixture, mix until just combined. Add in the oats and raisins and mix until just combined. Place in fridge for 15 minutes minimum or overnight.
Pre-heat oven to 350, using an ice cream scoop dollop out tennis ball sized (YEP!) dollops of cookie dough, give enough room for a little spreading. Bake for 15-18 minutes until golden brown.
Each serving (1 cookie) has: 172 calories, 2 g fat, 2 g fiber, 2 g protein, 34 g carbs.
Lentils such as: Peanut butter and bread make a complete protein. 100 g of peanut butter has 25 g of protein, 100 g of beef has 22 g of protein. Most people need 30-60 g daily depending on weight. There are so many sources of protein. One of the best complete proteins is lentils, as you get minimum fat and lentils can be cooked in 20 minutes using a cheap Walmart pressure cooker or, on the top of stove.
If you want to become a vegan, lentils are one of the best sources of fiber, energy and protein. When we eat cooked lentils 2-3 times a day in portions of 150-300 g, we get 40-80 grams of protein with all 9 essential aminoacids we need each day even if we are an athlete. We also get 36-72 g of fiber a day, more than most people get from all their foods. Most adults need 40-60 g of protein a day. We also need about 70 g of fiber for best prevention of diabetes, digestive tract issues, colon cancer and heart disease. Lentils have almost no sugars, lots of fiber that regulates blood sugar, cholesterol. They have the lowest level of phytic acid among beans, nuts, grains and legumes, the lowest oxalate level (20 times lower than spinach) among legumes, nuts and grains.
Soaking lentils for 10 hours in hot (60 centigrade) filtered water is a good idea, as it removes 90% of the phytic acid known to cause problems. Eating processed foods means eating a lot of phytic acid, since they don't soak grains/soy before making breads, tofu, etc. Phytic acid can cause mineral deficiencies. You can use a pressure cooker (they got those at Walmart for $80), it takes 20-30 minutes after soaking to cook them, that way you just press a button and it stops by itself.
A popular myth has been as such: "to get complete protein you need to eat rice and beans or rice and lentils, if you eat only lentils you are screwed". The myth means that "if you eat 100 g of cooked lentils and 100 g of cooked rice you get higher protein quality (more of the essential 9 aminoacids) than if you eat 200 g of cooked lentils". Below I will prove this is totally false and a total aberration.
Let us look at the science data now. 100 g of cooked lentils and 100 g of cooked rice contain the following amounts of the 9 essential aminoacids, according to
1. Methionine ► 77mg/100g lentils vs 63mg/100g rice
2. Valine ► 448mg/100g lentils vs 164mg/100g rice
3. Histidine ► 254mg/100g lentils vs 63mg/100g rice
4. Tryptophan ► 81mg/100g lentils vs 31mg/100g rice
5. Leucine ► *654mg/100g lentils vs 222mg/100g rice*
6. Isoleucine ► 390mg/100g lentils vs 116mg/100g rice
7. Threonine ► 323mg/100g lentils vs 96mg/100g rice
8. Lysine ► 630mg/100g lentils vs 97mg/100g rice
9. Phenylalanine ► 445mg/100g lentils vs 144mg/100g rice
As science tells us in the 9 lines above, eating 200 g of cooked lentils provides you with a far more complete protein than eating 100 g of lentils and 100 g of rice. Eating rice is not needed for vegans or vegetarians, since you don't normally soak it, get loaded with phytic acid, get far less fiber and far less protein. The world should cultivate more lentils and fewer grains and beans. Why? Because grains and beans are harder to digest (some grains are as easy to digest as lentils) and have 3-5 times more phytic acid.
Even when you look at 6 other aminoacids, that are sometimes harder to make by the body in certain sick people, lentils beat rice:
1. tyrosine ► 241mg/100 g lentils vs 90mg/100 g rice
2. arginine ► 697mg/100g lentils vs 224mg/100g rice
3. proline ► 377mg/100g lentils vs 127mg/100g rice
4. glycine ► 367mg/100g lentils vs 122mg/100g rice
5. cysteine ► 118mg/100g lentils vs 55mg/100g rice
6. glutamine ► 1399mg/100 g lentils vs 524mg/100g rice
Eating just 1 pound of cooked lentils spread at 2-3 meals will provide you with 45 g of protein. Add tomatoes, cucumbers, spinach, carrots, etc and you get a lot of healthy nutrition, all the fat, protein and complex carbs needed without sugar overload you get when eating sweet fruits. Lentils have far more fiber than most fruits and veggies we eat without the simple sugars fruits and veggies have.
Just so you know, as you can see at the same website, aminoacid score of lentils, 86, is higher than milk, 85 ( http://nutritiondata.self.com/facts/dairy-and-egg-products/69/2 ), so another myth is busted. As you may have read in other articles, some say 77 mg methionine is a little low, but if you eat 3 portions of 300 g of lentils, that's still a huge 700 mg a day from lentils alone. However, Eating foods low in methionine helps to extend lifespan in rodent test subjects, according to a study published in a 2009 issue of “Medical Hypotheses.” Reduction of methionine dietary intake from 0.86 percent to 0.17 percent increased the life span of rat test subjects by 30 percent, according to a study published in a 1993 issue of “The Journal of Nutrition.”
People in Uganda, before the western diet came along, didn't have any heart disease http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/13375489 - one case found only in 1956 in a guy who started eating junk food), none at all and were known worldwide for that - and they ate 80 g or more of fiber from whole plant sources, more than the other countries. Once the junk diet rich in meat, eggs and cheese came along, with zero fiber and lots of animal fat shown to trigger diabetes that speeds up heart disease, heart disease became the number one killer - which shows our so called "progress" is often really stagnation, replacing one disease with another.
Instead of choosing a cheaper, easier diet of whole plant foods, we spend trillions of pills to lower our blood pressure and use 160 times more land to grow cattle and 200 times more water too. It's just mind boggling. The stone age didn't end because of a shortage of stones, nor does the meat age need to end because of a shortage of meat.
This post on borax is more on which grade, what to buy, where and how to use it and suggested dosages. Use the no scent variety and careful way used. It maybe a answered remedy for the economically strapped poor.(Many companies carry the tablets.) This is my new remedy found for the month. When you kill to much critters in the blood/liver the body can become toxic with their dead making you sic. You can take too much at one time. http://www.crunchybetty.com/getting-to-the-bottom-of-borax-is-it-safe-or-not/comment-page-1
Boron is an essential mineral that the body needs for bone building, immune function, and brain function. Plants need it to grow. But, like anything, it’s needed in small moderation. Much like salt.
Boron is found a-plenty in borax. People even take borax as a supplement and swear by it (I am NOT recommending you do this before studied it out and is the reason I've done three guiding posts to do more research as a gauge as to how harmful or benefited for your health.
(I am using a "Ionic Boron" 6mg full of trace mineral's called: "Liquimins" + love this product) http://growyouthful.com/remedy/borax.php https://youtu.be/fTplM6GDUEc
Borax's healing and preventative properties
Borax is a potent and effective remedy that deserves to be widely used, and should be in every home. It is so cheap and effective that pharmaceutical companies have done their utmost to discredit it.They have managed to get it banned in Europe and America. However in countries where the big Western pharmaceutical companies do not have the same lobbying power, such as China, Japan, Turkey and Russia it is widely acknowledged and used. In those countries pharmaceutical companies find it much harder to lobby (bribe, threaten and lie to) lawmakers and regulatory agencies. Borax's healing and preventative properties
Borax is a potent and effective remedy that deserves to be widely used, and should be in every home. It is so cheap and effective that pharmaceutical companies have done their utmost to discredit it. They have managed to get it banned in Europe and America. However in countries where the big Western pharmaceutical companies do not have the same lobbying power, such as China, Japan, Turkey and Russia it is widely acknowledged and used. In those countries pharmaceutical companies find it much harder to lobby (bribe, threaten and lie to) lawmakers and regulatory agencies. See What the law allows pharmaceutical companies to do.
A limited amount of boron is absolutely essential for good health. Here are some of its properties:
Protect's you from Fluorides. Borax protects against the accumulation of fluorides in the body; is effective as an antidote in fluoride toxicity; and can remove fluorides from the body. (1,2,3,4,5,20)
#Anti-microbial. Borax is toxic to insects, parasites, protozoa and bacteria.
#Fungicide. Effective against mold's and fungi, internally and externally. (17,18)
#Hormone normalizer. Stimulates the production of hormones, stabilizes estrogen, assists with insulin use and blood glucose control, triglyceride use and production of reactive oxygen. With boron sufficiency, blood serum triglyceride levels are significantly lower. (12) Estrogen replacement therapy may not be necessary. (13,16)
#Immune system enhancer. (12) Promotes healing of wounds. (14)
#Reduction and control of inflammation. (14,16)
#Aphrodisiac for men and women. See low libido. Boron stimulates the production of DHT and testosterone (14,16) and normalizes estrogens.
#Toxin removal. Chelator / protection from heavy metals. (8)
#Stabiliser of calcium, copper and magnesium levels, inhibits calcification. (12). Boron sufficiency normalizes calcium levels, preventing both abnormal calcium deposition and bone weakness. (12,13,14) Boron sufficiency inhibits the accumulation of inorganic copper in the bones (12) and prevents loss of bone. (13)
#Mental enhancement. Improves attention, both short and long term memory, perception, hand-eye coordination, and manual dexterity. (12,14)
Borax as a remedy
Borax has successfully been used as a remedy for a variety of ailments. (7,9,10,12,13,14,15,16) You can use it for both prevention and treatment.
##Rheumatoid arthritis. This is an inflammatory autoimmune disease where the body attacks its own joints, causing degeneration and deformity. It is more common in women, and can occur at any age. Often it develops into osteoarthritis. Work by Prof Roger Wyburn-Mason identified an amoeba in the joint as the cause in certain susceptible people. Boron is an effective cure. (14,15)
##Osteoarthritis is a wearing away of the joints, particularly those that have been subject to trauma, infection or over-use when injured. It is more common in men. The cartilage or tough fibrous matter around the joint wears away and the bones rub against each other, causing pain and further permanent damage to the joint. (14,15)
##Osteoporosis (decalcification of the bones) or osteopenia. (12,13,14)
##Other bone and connective tissue diseases such as Dupuytren's disease.
##Blood lipid disorders (hypertension (high blood pressure), arterial diseases). (12,14)
##Cancer. (6,14,19) Boron may be a preventative for prostate cancer.
##Swollen gums or loose teeth (pyorrhoea). This is a bit like arthritis of the teeth and gums.
##Antiseptic. Very effective for bladder infection and urinary tract infection (UTI). (17) For other infections apply topically or take internally diluted to the recommended dose.
##Spondylitis (arthritis of the spine with inflammation in the joints). Calcium is lost from the spinal vertebrae, leading to fusion and disc degeneration. Spondylitis responds to mineral treatments, particularly boron.
##Gout. Boron is an effective remedy.
##Systemic lupus erythematosus. What the law allows pharmaceutical companies to do.
In some countries such as Austria, New Zealand and the USA, you can buy borax in the laundry and cleaning section of your supermarket. Brand Names include Boraxo, 20 Mule Team (USA, Mexico), Hovex, Bare Essentials (Australia), Avoid any Borax that contain ingredients or scents. You can also buy boron tables online.
Even the Enoz, brand name: a Roach Away is 99% boric acid on "pest" shelves of the store, good externally; powder lightly, use in shoes, + to make room deodorant with vinegar in corners of room i.e. (Sauvé/balm) This one has 1 % chemicals, less than hot dogs etc.
> https://youtu.be/Xqkght3H7_iJps>click site for: yeast, mold, radiation, Parkinson's, psoriasis,arthritis (pt1) I like the dosage better on this and his dilution ideas are better than some I've studied.
It is likely that toxicity symptoms will develop only after taking several grams (thousand mg) per day for several months. Signs of boron toxicity are diarrhoea, lethargy, nausea and vomiting. When toxins. parasite eliminations get into the blood/liver you will feel badly, cut back. How can you tell? Watch these symptoms;
Eventually, also dermatitis. Excess boron can worsen or trigger conditions like ADHD, allergies, asthma, autism, cystic fibrosis, dyslexia, liver and oesophageal cancer. Excessively high doses of boron tend to increase the blood levels of calcium, estrogen, lower blood glucose, vitamin B6 and zinc.
1. Elsair J, Merad R, Denine R, Reggabi M, Alamir B, Benali S, Azzouz M, Khelfat K. Boron as a preventive antidote in acute and subacute fluoride intoxication in rabbits: its action on fluoride and calcium-phosphorus metabolism. Fluoride 13:129-138 (1980).
2. Elsair J, Merad R, Denine R, Reggabi M, Benali S, Azzouz M, Khelfat K, Tabet Aoul M. Boron as an antidote in acute fluoride intoxication in rabbits: its action on the fluoride and calcium-phosphorus metabolism. Fluoride 13:30-38 (1980).
3. Elsair J, Merad R, Denine R, Azzouz M, Khelfat K, Hamrour M, Alamir B, Benali S, Reggabi M. Boron as antidote to fluoride: effect on bones and claws in subacute intoxication of rabbits. Fluoride 14:21-29 (1981).
4. Elsair J, Merad R, Denine R, Reggabi M, Benali S, Hamrour HM, Azzouz M, Khalfat K, Tabet Aoul M, Nauer J. Action of boron upon fluorosis: An experimental study. Fluoride 15:75-78 (1982).
5. Franke J, Runge H, Bech R, Wiedner W, Kramer W, Kochmann W, Hennig A, Ludke H, Seffner W, Teubner W, Franke M, Moritz W, Barthold L, Geinitz D. Boron as an antidote to fluorosis? Part I. Studies on the skeletal system. Fluoride 18: 187-197 (1985).
6. Hall, Iris et al. Ongoing research on boranes and other borax compounds, Division of medical chemistry, University of North Carolina.
7. Newnham, Rex. Away with Arthritis. 2nd edition printed 1993.
8. Turkez H., Geyikoglu F., Tatar A., Keles M.S., Kaplan I. The effects of some boron compounds against heavy metal toxicity in human blood. Exp Toxicol Pathol. 2012 Jan;64(1-2):93-101. Epub 2010 Jul 20. Article
9. Mary Duncan. Boron phenols and health : clues to the mysteries of ADD - Alzheimer's - Asthma. Carabooda, W.A. : Alkimos Australia, 1995.
10. Newnham R. E. Essentiality of boron for healthy bones and joints. Environ Health Perspect. 1994;102 Suppl 7:83-85.
11. Borax - toxicity, ecological toxicity and regulatory information. Retrieved 17 February 2012. Article
12. Forrest H. Nielsen. Evidence for the Nutritional Essentiality of Boron. The Journal of Trace Elements in Experimental Medicine. 9:215-229 (1996).
13. Forrest H. Nielsen, Loanne M. Mullen, Sandra K. Gallagher. Effect of Boron Depletion and Repletion on Blood Indicators of Calcium Status in Humans Fed a Magnesium-low Diet. The Journal of Trace Elements in Experimental Medicine. 3:45-54 (1990).
14. Benderdour M, Bui-Van T, Dicko A, Belleville F. In vivo and in vitro effects of boron and boronated compounds. J Trace Elem Med Biol. 1998 Mar;12(1):2-7.
15. Z Bentwich, Robert Bingham, Mark Hegsted, Herbert Hunt, Prof Jeffries, Jack Loneragan, Loughman, O.O. Myers, Ploquin, Hans Neiper, Rex E. Newnham, et al. Boron and Arthritis. Arthritis Trust of America. 1994.
16. Naghii MR, Mofid M, Asgari AR, Hedayati M, Daneshpour MS. Comparative effects of daily and weekly boron supplementation on plasma steroid hormones and proinflammatory cytokines. J Trace Elem Med Biol. 2011 Jan;25(1):54-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jtemb.2010.10.001. Epub 2010 Dec 3.
17. Francesco De Seta1, Martin Schmidt, Bao Vu, Michael Essmann, Bryan Larsen. Antifungal mechanisms supporting boric acid therapy of Candida vaginitis. J. Antimicrob. Chemother. (2009) 63 (2):325-336. doi: 10.1093/jac/dkn486.
18. Iavazzo C, Gkegkes ID, Zarkada IM, Falagas ME. Boric acid for recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis: the clinical evidence. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2011 Aug;20(8):1245-55. doi: 10.1089/jwh.2010.2708. Epub 2011 Jul 20.
19. Hasan Turkez, Fatime Geyikoglu. Boric acid: a potential chemoprotective agent against aflatoxin b1 toxicity in human blood. Cytotechnology. Apr 2010; 62(2): 157-165. Published online Apr 30, 2010. doi: 10.1007/s10616-010-9272-2.
20. LY Zhou, ZD Wei, SZ Ldu. Effect of Borax in Treatment of Skeletal Fluorosis. International Society for Fluoride Research, 20(3):104-108. 1987.
22. S. Meacham, S. Karakas, A. Wallace, F. Altun. Boron in Human Health: Evidence for Dietary Recommendations and Public Policies. The Open Mineral Processing Journal, 2010, 3, 36-53.
Lots of cleaning Ideas too
Number: 15. Remove Carpet Stains. Mix 1/2 cup of borax with 2 cups of warm water, then use the solution and a sponge to saturate the stained area. Scrub it thoroughly, let it sit for 30 minutes, then vacuum the area and let it dry.
Preheat oven to 350°F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
In a small bowl, combine 1/4 cup light brown sugar, 2 tablespoons melted butter, and 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon. Mix well.
Unroll Pillsbury Crescent Rolls and place on parchment lined baking sheet. Top each crescent with 1 tablespoon brown sugar mixture and 1 apple slice. Spread the brown sugar mixture all over the crescent and place the apple slice at the wide end. Starting at the wide end, carefully roll each crescent around the apple, keeping the filling inside.
Brush each crescent with remaining 1 tablespoon butter and place baking sheet in preheated oven. Bake for 15-20 minutes until the crescents are golden brown and cooked through. Mine cooked perfectly in 20 minutes. Serve with my Homemade Caramel Sauce and enjoy! or, frost?
This is my favorite bean soup. In the south we called them "Butter beans." I don't know why except they melt in your mouth like butter plus I liked a pat of butter on them before serving. This is very good for you, economical, and a fibrous food toward weight-loss.
1. One-quart fresh or frozen, butterbeans, Depending on the size of your family) Or,for a smaller batch; use 1/2 small package of dry butterbean. (These are the largest “white beans” on the legume shelf at your grocery store.) They may not be called “butter” beans on pkg. they are the larges white beans on the shelf.
2. Flavor; with butter substitute (such as, Butter Buds), or garnish with butter before served.
3. Flavor: with ½ Tbs. chicken bouillon, stock, cream of chicken soup-which needs to be added at the end of the cooking or,(The south uses ham hocks in the pot or add the flavor).
Use just one ham hock and freeze the rest for another time.
4. 1/2 tsp. Salt (Taste) at end of cooking)
5. Water Crock Pot Method:
Place butterbeans, butter substitute, chicken bouillon to the water and cover in a small slow cooker.
Cook on high for 1 ½ hours.
Turn cooker to low and cook for another 2-3 hours or until butterbeans are tender. Add a small amount of additional water during cooking, if needed.
Cooked all afternoon, and check to see if they are too firm. I prefer the beans bit more soft with lots of soup.
(If you can get your hands on some fresh, green southern butter beans (not Limas!) Give this method a try. Top of the stove method: Cook the ham hock until tender and begins to fall off the bone. Cool; Later, take it out and separate the meat; adding small chunks back into the pot.
Also, add back the bone to give it rich flavor and take out before serving. Don’t over do the meat...no need to. It will have plenty of flavor with just one hock. The soup looks good with bits of pork floating in the soup.
Add the 1/2 package of beans to the broth and meat. (How much beans or meat depends on your family size,) with one glove of garlic and a small chopped onion. Cook all until completely done on medium heat.
(As a soup you could add can of chopped tomatoes.)
Serve with a salad and corn bread which makes it the "perfect protein."
Avocado Hummus and Tomato Crostini - good vegetarian recipe for a filling snack.
Beans are good for us so how do we make them pleasant and nutritional?
1 (15 oz.) can chickpeas, rinsed, drained
2 medium ripe avocados, seed removed
2 tablespoons tahini
3 tablespoons fresh lime juice
1 clove garlic, chopped
1/4 teaspoon cumin
2 tablespoon olive oil
1/4 cup cilantro leaves (reserve 1 tablespoon for garnish)
1 small baguette, sliced into 1/4” slices
3 tablespoons olive/sunflower oil
2 medium tomatoes, chopped
Salt and Pepper, to taste
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
In a food processor, pulse the first 8 ingredients through cilantro (reserve some cilantro for garnish) with salt and pepper until semi-smooth, about 2 minutes.
Lay the baguette slices out on 1-2 baking sheets. Brush with canola oil. Sprinkle salt and pepper on each. Bake 4-5 minutes until slightly crisp and golden brown.
To serve, spread some of the avocado hummus on each. Top with a few chopped tomatoes. Garnish with cilantro. Serve immediately.
Note: For extra flavor, add cracked black pepper on top of the fresh tomato on the crostini’s before serving.
Avocados have the most fiber of all common fruits and my blood sugar was only 104 after eating 7 small ones with some other stuff, unlike other fruits which make your 1 hour after eating glucose way higher. Mixed with other fruits, avocados lower blood glucose reading compared to those fruits alone. I always do tests of foods to see glucose response. Avocados also got the highest amino acid score of 129, of any veggie, fruit, nut or seed, even soy. Raw Vegans often wonder - what is an easy way to get fiber and protein? There are hundreds of ways, but below is just one example of what one could eat one day of the week or several:
a) 1 medium mature (not young) coconut = 13 grams of protein with score 87, 36 grams of fiber
b) 4 big zucchini (also called Italian squash, summer squash, eaten raw, has 8 times more lutein than carrots) (2 lb) = 22 grams of protein with score 89, for just 270 calories, 10 grams of fiber
d) some ginger and some tomatoes, and/or other small items you like, a little fruit, etc = another 5 grams of complete protein and say 5 grams of fiber
Note, all the above have amino acid score higher than 86 for lentils (a complete protein as explained amino acid by amino acid at https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/DPagLPDS4wQ - lentils are more complete than rice and lentils or rice and beans, see explanation) or 85 for milk.
If you add a few tomatoes, the 1 coconut, 6 avocados and 4 summer Italian squash up, you get 52 grams of protein, the daily need for the average weight person, and 93 grams of fiber, which is perfect for optimal health (ideally one needs at least 50-60 grams).
For 100+ reasons I didn't eat meat for 20 years and dairy for 12 years (12% of millennials have already given up meat in America) see ► https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/EkQQAE68fCm. Going vegan is like planting 62 trees in your backyard, as far as CO2 emissions reduction.
Chicken Cabbage Salad (or, use Tofu Salad for vegetarians)
This is one of my best favorite salad recipes. If anyone had given me this recipe upon examining its ingredients, I would not have tried it, but was fortunate to try it from a sharing friend.
But this is always a winner at any party of any kind.
You can add my tofu recipe to this in place of the chicken. See my diced chicken flavored “Spam” tofu recipe to prepare the tofu for this salad. This is a method so adapt. What cabbage secret for health
Ingredients: · 1 cup slice almonds · 3 pkg. Roman noodles (first, break up and brown in oven) · ½ cup sesame seed (lightly brown in oven) · 1 large head or,medium cabbage (chopped · 1 small head red cabbage (chopped) · 4 green diced onions · 3 chicken breast (chopped) or, 1 packages of Firm Tofu. (This can be frozen then press the water out and chicken flavored)
This makes up a large bowl of salad for a big family or to munch on all week. You can half the recipe if want less. The dressing actually surprised you. It is good!
Dressing · ¼ cup a good mono oil (of fruit, nut or light olive) · ¼ cup sugar (or 1/8 cup raw honey) · 3 tbs. good soy sauce · 2 tbs. vinegar (white) or rice vinegar · 1 tsp. freshly ground pepper · 2 flavor packages from the Roman Noodles
Mix together to macerate and refrigerate. 1 hour before serving pour over salad. Spicy Cabbage Salad: Vietnam's cooking
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ENJOY THE VARIETY and, pay attention to the comment of experiences
Pumpkin Quick Bread
Coconut oil helps this loaf brown nicely, giving it a moist texture and a bit of crunch around the edges. Slice and serve it with dinner or toast it for breakfast, spread with Apple Butter or your favorite jam.
Preheat oven to 350°. Grease one 9x5 inch loaf pan. Combine 2 cups flour, 1 cup sugar, baking powder, baking soda, 1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon, and salt. Combine buttermilk, oil, eggs and vanilla. Add to dry ingredients; beat 3 minutes. Pour into prepared loaf pan. Smooth top. Combine 2 tablespoons butter, 2 tablespoons brown sugar, and 1 teaspoon cinnamon. Pour topping over batter. Using knife, cut in a light swirling motion to give a marbled effect. Bake for 50-55 minutes; until toothpick inserted comes out clean. Let cool 5 minutes. Remove bread from pan; cool on rack and enjoy! (A hand full of raisins for taste?)
See how everything above coconut flour goes up from 30 g net carbs and above, which is really getting up there.
In reality, the best breads for you to eat are ones made from flaxseed, almond, chickpea or coconut flour, which are a bit more difficult to come by. Of course, the simplest way to overcome this is to make your own. It’s actually quite easy and I’ll be sharing a recipe in the next couple of days that you can try – subscribe here
if you’re not on our email list already.
But I understand that not everyone wants to make their own, so there definitely are other options.
Whole Wheat & Rye Bread and Diabetes
It’s often recommended that you eat whole grains instead of the white stuff and it’s true, whole grains are always going to be a better choice because they are complex carbs, rather than simple carbs.
But, when you take the whole grain and grind it into a flour, it changes the way your body digests it. This mainly happens because the bulky fiber component of the grain gets broken down, meaning less digestion – for you as a diabetic that means higher blood sugar spikes.
Have you heard of the glycemic index before?
“The glycemic index (GI) is a ranking of carbohydrates on a scale from 0 to 100 according to the extent to which they raise blood sugar levels after eating.” Source
High GI foods rapidly effect blood sugar, while low GI foods have a slow digestion and absorption and produce a more gradual rise in blood sugar. Below 55 is considered low GI. So the lower a food is the better, and the higher it is the faster it affects blood sugar and the worse it is for you as a diabetic.
So now we can look at the GI of both a whole wheat kernal and whole wheat flour as an example. Whole wheat kernals are 30 (low GI) and whole wheat flour is 71 (high GI). So what this really means is that whole wheat bread really isn’t that great.
Your best bet when it comes to rye bread is Pumpernickel bread – it’s made from whole rye grains and is a low GI of 41-46. But pumpernickel bread isn’t exactly a sandwich type bread, and has it’s own pungent flavor too.
Let’s check out some more GI levels:
Normal rye bread 57-78
Wheat whole grain 68-69
Wheat white bread 71
100% wheat white bread 85
So these are all high GI.
Sourdough Bread and Diabetes
Sourdough bread is made by traditional methods, where the starter dough is fermented to provide the rise in the bread instead of yeast and sugar. Surprisingly, this bread making method is much better for us.
Making sourdough produces beneficial gut bacteria that help with digestion, and this has a strong impact on how it then influences the blood sugar response.
As a consequence, sourdough breads are lower in GI – sourdough rye bread 48, 80% barley bread made via sourdough 53-66, sourdough wheat bread 54. So having a slice of sourdough is going to be a better choice than most other breads.
But there is a bit more to the story.
Does Cutting Bread Help Diabetes?
The thing is, GI is important, but then you have to consider the overall carbohydrate intake as well.
Here are some of the above breads with carb quantity:
Pumpernickel bread – 1 slice 26 g = 12.3 g carbs, 1.7 g fiber, 10.6 g net carbs
Oat bran bread – 1 slice 30 g = 11.9 g carbs, 1.4 g fiber, 10.5 g net carbs
Buckwheat bread – 1 slice 47 g = 20 g carbs, 2 g fiber, 18 g net carbs
Sourdough wheat bread – 1 slice 57 g = 29 g carbs, 3 g fiber, 26 g net carbs
Sprouted grain bread 1 slice 34 g = 15 g carbs, 3 g fiber, 12 g net carbs
As you can see an average piece of bread is going to be anywhere from 10-20 g carbs.
One slice of bread is considered one serve, or one carb count and is around 15 g carbs on average. While that’s not too bad, if you can keep your carbohydrate intake low, you’ll be better off for it – meaning, yes, cutting ‘traditional’ forms of bread can help diabetes.
This might not be the same opinion that you read elsewhere, or even the guidelines your dietitian might give you. Often they say 45 g carbs per meal is fine, some of them even recommend up to 70-80 g carbs per meal. But in my experience, (and what the research shows) many diabetics get the best results when they stick to eating that many carbs per day, not per meal.
That might sound drastic but it is totally possible. And you can still have bread – if it’s the right kind. We’ll be sharing our Zero Carb Flax Bread recipe very soon, so give that a try. We’ll also go over some low carb bread options you can buy in just a moment.
So to answer the question – does cutting bread help diabetes?
Well if you’re cutting the ‘traditional’ types of bread, the types you’ll find at the supermarket, then yes, the less you consume it, the lower your blood sugar and A1C will be.
Is bread better than cereal for a diabetic?
This is another question that often gets asked and the answer is yes. I’d choose a slice of bread over most breakfast cereals any day.
Of course, not all breakfast cereals are made alike, but generally speaking, bread will contain less carbs, and far less sugar and salt than most common breakfast cereals. We’ll leave the whole breakfast cereal discussion for another time.
Low Carb Bread Options
Low Carb Bread Options From Amazon
Here are some low carb bread options available from Amazon, just to give you some examples. Great Low Carb Bread Co has loaves that have just 1 g net carbs per serve. These cost around $7.99 but adding shipping of $9.24 soon hikes the price right up. Low Carb Bread Co has a low carb rye loaf, low carb hot dog buns, low carb hamburger buns and even makes bagels, again you’re looking at around $6-7 per pack. LC-Low carb Sandwich Loaf is $12.58 per 25 slice loaf. It’s a spongy sandwich loaf, which is how most of us like bread. And it’s just 1 g net carbs per slice. In reality it breaks down to around 50c per slice, which isn’t too bad, but add shipping on top and it will hike up the price.
The same goes for this low carb pita bread. It’s a good price at just $3.99 for 6 pita breads, but then the shipping is $11, which seems a bit ridiculous.
Then there’s Mama Lupes Low Carb Tortillas $11.98 per 12.5 oz/ 360 g pack, 3 g net carbs per tortilla
You could try using Bob’s Red Mill Low Carb Bread Mix – that will cost you around $5-6 per pack. But once cooked it will end up costing more once you add eggs etc. 1 slice comes in at around 5 g carbs per slice.
Low Carb Bread Options From Nutrition
Netrition is another great online store to purchase low carb goods from. If you live in the US, they have a flat rate shipping cost of $5.99, which is much cheaper than Amazon. They also ship worldwide, just make sure to check the shipping guide. Another great thing is their prices for items are much cheaper too. For example, remember the Mama Lupes Low Carb Tortillas from Amazon were $11.98?
Well, you can get them from Netrition for just $3.89 per pack!
The MiRico Low Carb Bread is $6.39 per loaf, with 3 g net carbs per serve, so if you buy a few loaves at a time it won’t cost anymore in shipping so it makes the cost fairly reasonable. MiRico also have low carb bagels, and low carb tortillas too.
You basically just have to shop around, but as you can see there are low carb breads you can buy to help solve the diabetic bread dilemma!
You can also just live without bread.
Again, this may sound extreme but it is possible. I used to be a HUGE bread addict and now rarely eat it. I just find it makes me bloated. And if I ever do feel like a sandwich, I whip a loaf of my Zero Carb Flaxbread.
Here’s a snap of what it looks like – Avocado, cheese and tomato sandwich. YUM. Best for last
Homemade Vegan Cheese
I use to make goat cheese all the time as we had three milking goats and five children. I used rennet, lemon or vinegar for cottage cheeses making (get a book). I think they still have a vegan rennet tablet too. Check the HFS or on line if you're spoiled too. Here' are more of my vegan recipes. If you browse the local health food store and read labels of the vegan cheese you'll find they are made up using different nut. I like the almond try them first before you decide to make them. I like the taste of this one.
2 tbsp yellow or white miso (has turmeric in for color flavor too)
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice (Or, vinegar, it will stop mold and keep fresher)
3 teaspoons white truffle oil (very optional) 'hum 'mm, too expensive for most of us.
Chopped chives (optional) (or, your own herb)
Lightly oil 3-4 small ramekins.
Using the pulse button, finely grind the cashews in a food processor (do not allow the cashews to turn into a paste). Add the nutritional yeast, onion powder, salt and garlic powder. Pulse 3 more times to blend in the spices.
Combine the soy milk, agar, and oil in a heavy medium saucepan. Bring to a simmer over high heat. Decrease the heat to medium-low. Cover and simmer for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, or until the agar is dissolved. With the food processor running, gradually pour the milk mixture through the feed tube and into the cashew mixture. Blend for 2 minutes, or until the mixture is very smooth and creamy. Blend in the miso, lemon juice, and truffle oil and chopped chives (if using). Note: if your food processor isn't very big, simply pour the cashew mixture into the saucepan and stir it vigorously for a minute or so, and then add the remaining ingredients.
For grated or sliced cheese: Transfer the cheese to a container; cover and refrigerate until it is very firm, about 4 hours. Once it is firm, use a knife to gently remove the cheese from the ramekin. Grate or slice the cheese as desired.
For melted cheese: Use the cheese immediately as melted cheese. To make the cheese in advance, cover and refrigerate it. When ready to use, melt it in a saucepan over medium heat until it is smooth and creamy, stirring frequently and adding more soy milk to the melted cheese to thin, if necessary.
The cheese will keep for 4 days, covered and refrigerated.
Adapted from Vegan Family Meals, Real Food For Everyone By Ann Gentry Andrews McMeel Publishing Copyright 2011.
Wild rice
A note about oats: Experts hotly debate whether oats are tainted by gluten. Oat advocates point to studies showing oats don’t appear to damage the small intestines of people with celiac. Yet, detractors say oats are bound to be contaminated by gluten because they are often processed in facilities that handle gluten-containing grains. So it’s best maybe to steer clear.
If you’re concerned about contamination, choose Bob’s Red Mill oats (available at most major grocery stores). They are considered by many to be the “cleanest” oats around. If you’re still unsure, putting oats on your list of foods to eliminate and reintroduce can help you determine if they are problematic.
here are five gluten-free whole grains, how to cook them and how to add them to your diet. Remember to aim for three servings of whole grains a day.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Amaranth: About the size of a poppy seed, this pseudo-grain has a light peppery taste. Use 3 to 6 parts water to 1 part amaranth. Boil water, add grain and gently boil for 15 to 20 minutes. As it cooks, amaranth softens from the inside, releases a lot of starch and thickens the cooking liquid. Rinse cooked amaranth and let it drain before using. Use amaranth to thicken soups and stews. Add milk, fruit and a bit of honey for a healthy breakfast. You can even "pop" dried amaranth and make it into a granola-type bar. Millet: About the size of a small mustard seed, this grain has a mild flavor. Use 2 to 3 parts water to 1 part millet. Boil water, add grain and gently boil for 35 to 40 minutes. You may also "toast" millet in a hot pan before boiling to get a nuttier flavor. Top with cinnamon and peaches for breakfast. Or make a salad with halved grape tomatoes, radishes and chopped basil. Millet is also a great alternative to rice in casseroles, ground-meat dishes and stuffing. Teff: This smallest of grains is nutty and earthy in flavor. Use 3 parts water to 1 part teff. Boil water, add grain and simmer for 15 to 20 minutes. Its texture is like cream of wheat. Add cooked teff to soups or use teff as the main ingredient for polenta instead of cornmeal. Teff flour can be used to make pancakes. Buckwheat: Despite its name, buckwheat is not related to wheat. This-pseudo grain is pyramid shaped and known as kasha or buckwheat groats. To bring out its earthy flavor, cook 1 cup buckwheat with one egg in a large skillet over medium heat. Stir to keep from clumping until the mixture is dry and separated. Add 2 cups water or broth and cook uncovered over low heat for about 15 minutes. Mix cooked buckwheat with lentils, herbs and a bit of goat cheese. Or stuff peppers or acorn squash with cooked buckwheat. Buckwheat flour can be used to make pancakes. Quinoa: This pseudo-grain must be rinsed well before cooking to remove bitter-tasting saponins. You can also buy it pre-rinsed. The flavor is squash-like. Quinoa cooks in just 15 minutes. Use 2 parts water to 1 part quinoa. Mix with chopped fruit and drizzle with honey for breakfast. Or use quinoa instead of bulgur to make tabbouleh. Quinoa is also a good substitute for rice in rice pudding.
Whether you are going gluten-free or not, these whole grains are good for you. Share your favorite ways of preparing these grains. Is oatmeal gluten free?
I've mentioned they're in Health Food Stores their are many "sprouted grains" which will remove glutens. I use the Corn (vegetable, instead of a grain)
Read more:
*King Arthur Flour has a glutenfree all-purpose baking mix (1 lb. 8 oz.) that has 1/3 cup has 4 g fiber, sugar 0. 2 grams protein. (if a diabetic add in rice or, pea protein) ingredients is brown and white rice. (Fat calories 5, calories 130) Their are many variety's of these kinds mixes on the market. Recipes are on the box
Or, make up your own mix if your allergic to the many fillers/additives on this box : II Basic Bisquick Mix (Ratio s )
9 cup four, (non-gluten flour) Mix two parts (brown-) to one part (white) or coconut ? Almond ? or, some of the above until you get the combination you and your family preferred taste and or allergy.
1/3 cup baking powder, (non alum)
1 Tbs salt,
1 tsp cream of tartar (which is the outer part of the grape)
1/4 cup sugar (leave out or, Stevia comes in a powder)
2 cups of shortening.
Options: *powdered butter milk for the 6 T butter or, powdered egg or vinegar and milk last min. for sour milk taste.
Combine dry ingredients and cut in shortening until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Sore in airtight containers. (freeze 12 hours)
This can be substituted for any of your favorite Bisquick recipes.
Shake and Bake Mix 4 cups 0 gluten flour, 1 cup cornmeal, 2 Tbs. paprika, 1 Tbs. pepper, 5 Tbs. salt and 2 Tbs. parsley flakes. You can add any of your favorite herbs or, seasoned salt like Lawry's for instance. Look on the one in the grocery that’s your favorite and add in the ingredient missing that you like. (onion, garlic etc.) Which of the baking flour has the least gluten? This maybe a start or answer for some.
Published on Apr 16, 2015
Gluten Dangers. Why gluten is bad for your health and making you fat. Randy Alvarez, host of The Wellness Hour, discussing the book Wheat Belly with author and cardiologist Dr. William Davis.
*Wal-Mart makes a brand of Artisan Baker Multigrain Bread (Schar) in their gluten free shelf. 3 gran Protein, 5 grams fiber in 2 smaller slices. (sourdough, rice syrup, agave, buckwheat flour, Psyllium seeds, flax seeds, apple fiber, soy protein, sunflower seeds, and apple juice. Very tasty bread, not organic.
*Health food grocery: Ener-g Select has a wheat free, gluten free, (rice flour), a cinnamon raisin bread also dairy free. 3 grams fiber, soy free i.e. It's in their frozen section and not bad for a threat. You have to completely unthaw it or it falls apart. (good in a pinch if your craving raisin bread). Their a many variety's in HFS but costly, but for time and convenience a bargain. https://www.pinterest.com/ptsherm/bakery/ other bakery ideas. sub: 2½ cups Pastry Flour Blend or, gluten-free all purpose flour blend of choice*