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Living on a Prayer (TOUGH TIMES)

I found this song and it fit my theme TOUGH TIMES. My blogs are how to live with these times as easily as possible. One, raise your own garden without chemicals. Two shopping on the sales in the store and make your menus from those items.

Stock up when they're on sale, they generally start on Thursdays. Don't buy non essential item, potato chips, sodas, cookies, candy's, or fancy crackers i.e. Only go to the grocery store one a week.

Don't forget to use good left-over, and place them in a small container, or small zip lock baggie's for another meal. I do this a lot. Even if you only put a slice of meat in a baggies then unthaw it and bring out a baked potato to go with it. This has save me lots of time and money. Always in tough time have bake potatoes on hand. (rice)

Never buy herbs at health food stores, they have a huge mark up. Buy from the Internet: Swanson Vitamins, or Botanic Choice and watch their prices too. Some other items are better here too. The postage is non existing if you buy some of the cheaper item when 2/one i.e. Buy what you can, non eatable at the dollars stores.

 Especially buy the healthier snacks; (peanut butter and sugar jams not corn syrups ie.) Buy from the thrift stores, but don't go often and only essential items. As migrate workers may parents only had what money they picked that day.

Our stable was pancakes and gravy if no syrup. (we use the leavings from scrap bacon and canned cream with water) Pancakes is still my comfort foods. We were not over weight! It's the hormone's shot in the meat that fatten up the cattle in slaughter houses right before butchering time that fattens up people too.