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Ma Haung or Ephedra is one of the greatest lung herb when used with prudence and skill. The following is my experience with this herb as an herbalist for my lung problems especially for asthmatics. It makes most breath better, all winter, spring or fall. Comfrey is another such herb that may have killed one while the drug companies kill millions every year. Drugs are he number three killer in the USA. You will find these companies are the most wicked men in the latter day spoken of in the scripture horeing out with the FDA, Wall Street, AND MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL.

These pages exposes Pharmacy Company’s real intent for taking Ma Haung and other such herbs (Comfrey Root) for taking the two best herbs off the USA market for lunds, soley for their own pockets at our expense. They do not own plants/food/ or herbs. We have the right to choose for ourselves how and what we need for our bodies and healh. You know as well as I do they are doing the same with GMO foods. It’s all the same reasoning’s.
Sherm's herbal walk

Examples of Synthetic sources
Most of the L-ephedrine produced today for official medical use is made synthetically as the extraction and isolation process from Herba Ephedra is tedious and no longer cost effective.

I am also a diabetic so and cannot take their steroids for asthma without doubling my blood sugar and size. Insulin cannot be in control when taking this asthma medication. Antibiotics ruin my health to fight disease adding parasites to eat other parasites only compound the basic problem.

I have never have taken Ma Haung every day just when I need it because you cannot buy it openly anymore and the government (backing of the drug co. to control the best healing herbs). It is not against the law to take it, just buy it within their said limit. You can grow it, dry and grind it for your own use. Therefore, I have to use what I have sparingly. I am now trying to grow it myself from seed and a plant.

1. The herb was Ephedra or Ma Haung by Solaray for asthmatics but this co. does not make this product anymore because the FDA has scared them off with threats.

It cuts into the pharmacies and the medical profession asthma big money maker businesses, including all the middle men in this business to the selling of its substitutes for this herb. They’re trying to control the herb and supplement market. It's is of the biggest conspiracy to control herbals that will cure diseases. Metformin, a diabetic drug is actually a white powered herb from a Lilly from Africa. It's too over-processed if it’s white and patented chemicals. The pharmacy companies are even selling Ma Haung or Ephedra in capsules found in the H.F. stores! There is definitely a double standard going on here. You can order “Pure Ephedrine by NVE Pharmaceuticals” from this drug company! Here's just one sample to control of this market! Where’s the GOV. FDA?... (On their side.) Yet, we see FDA’s contradictions continually, like with Avandia, killing many of heart attacks and Celebrex as they make excuses for possible deaths: This drug has and is harming millions has been left on the market because...”certain benefits out ways the risk...” says FDA. Can we herbalist say that?

Ephedria or Comfrey Root could make the some claims of cures, but don't have the powerful Drug Co. to pay off the oppositions. Lets bow to our American Gods the FDA, AMA, and the drug lords of Wall Street. Unless we demand more we will never get any cures for diseases!

Note the statistics differences, what about Ma Haung or Comfrey that has harmed seven people? Give me a break! In addition, 300,000 Doctor caused deaths is the second leading cause of deaths in our country! It’s just not computing out except for their double standards.

Be sure to read direction carefully: not more than two a day (spaced out) and not at all if you have high blood pressure, or diabetes? However, I did, REMEMBER the medical field’s double standard in giving diabetics steroids that makes it worse! Read herbal warning also, this herb is to be use with much skill and only in emergency’s with asthma. Too many nuts are ruining this great herb reputation for all of us! A cheap high means adrenal problems later. (Adrenal Exhaustion) Dear Youth any substance that speeds you up as it will run your adrenal. Then, chronic fatigue will set in later and most don't know how to cure it. These drugs settle in your brain and nervous system. There's not enough room to tell you the toxic consequences of abusing any, drugs, herb or(uppers.)

Their’s no permanent weight-loss to speak of with Ma Haung. If you are taking this in hope to maintain your weight problems you’re going to be disappointed. By "speeding up the adrenals "means stress" and stress causes weight gain by using the “stress hormone cortisol” which will defeat and weight issues. Ephedra for asthmatic is short term only. A must to have on hand for flair ups. If you’re waking up tired on ephedra or any drug stop taking it immediately, as it will be too hard for the adrenals to handle the over-load
Licorice Rt. is for adrenals; it is a good natural steroid to replace steroid drugs when used correctly.

Natural does not mean to abuse nature. Nature will always win. Your body is made up from the dust (nature.) Therefore these (nature/natural laws must be obeyed to achieve opium health. Even God has to obey these same laws...” said in the scripture, if He, "even God-Lord" was disobedient to these laws ..."even the elements would refuse to obey Him"... (God)..,” God is subject to these temporal laws too. (God is in charge of our spirit and, Nature's in charge of the physical-temporal body i.e.

Ma Haung has to be the organic whole leaf and, no other fillers like caffeine herb like in an upper found in "Stacker" for weight. They have too much caffeine etc. making the formulas very unwholesome to be ingested by anyone, especially for any child. There are many piranhas in the health as well as the drug business. They do not know what they are doing with herbs and their formulas are just ignorant hype.

2. Next herb to aid asthma and allergies; is Licorice Root 450 mg for the cough it is the replacement of steroids and its effects (it’s a natural source of corticosteroid's). It will help with stress and with inconstancy problems. Do not take if you are too low or too long using potassium. “It’s interesting to note that the ancient Greek and Roman armies gave their soldiers licorice, and they carried it on their persons as our boys have carried penicillin. It was given to allay thirst, but it may have had other benefits that they were not aware. It could have been the reason they were able to stand the terrible stress of war from childhood until maturity and were the strongest, healthiest, continual armies the world has known. Our stress is certainly comparable, however, and it is not going to get any better. People my come to learn that a little licorice when under stress is superior to a sedative or a pain killer for the resultant headache that sometimes follows heavy stress.” Examples of a few herbs that act like cortisone are licorice root, Yucca and Wild Yam, i.e. Licorice being the better in most respect. (Plants are altered of their natural medicine abilities so its best to use only organic of the best quality!) Licorice rt. will ACT like a steroid, when given with asthma sufferers. So many are given steroid for an attack, don’t do both. Cortisone is a steroid sugar. Licorice is a sweetener too, and does not, however, brings on the high insulin reaction that sugar has but not as bad and short term. Goldenseal Root (antibiotic) acts somewhat like insulin and somehow assists the body in the use of sugar gets to any infection and Juniper Berry. Also, Golden Seal root can take drugs out of the body, so be careful when taking this herb along with other drugs.

3. La Dean Griffin (One of my teachers) suggested in all chronic problem to take an enema. Alternatively, just take an herbal natural laxative, keeping your body unclogged up so mucus debris can have a clear passage out of your system in any asthma attacks. (Castor Oil, Prunes anyone? (3-4 a-da every day in the morning.)

4. Next, stop eating until breathing is normal and approx. 1000-2000 mg of ascorbic acid vitamin C every hour.

5. In a crisis or drastic case: empty stomach using up to 1 tsp. of Lobelia tincture in water. (Lobelia removes poisons from the system) and is also a lung herb... or, don't eat!!! Always have lobelia on hand, use with other herbs and with another, “carrier sometimes called catalyse” in other words a catalyst. This "general herb" will carry herbs to the correct location needed in the body acting like a “General” ..."follow my lead on where to go." Read direction too much or little will cause other problems BUT will not hurt anybody. It may make you throw up if not balanced with another herb i.e. Good for all to get out heavy metals, poisons, and clear the blood of heavy toxins. That' why I have it listed here.

6. Use the “mild foods” diet or plant based diet (no meat or dairy) to keep it all at bay. (Plants, vegetables, herbs, and fruits) Add in organic whole grains when not acute. Use Cayenne as the catalyst with Lobelia herbs, as they will quickly be used though out the body. Alternatively, or substitute peppermint or Ginger root (if stomach problems) that will act/work in the same way. Remember, there would be no asthma attack without mucus (inflammation) in the lungs. The cough is nature’s way of assisting to eliminate mucus.

7. Be sure to read my message on “mild foods,” or plant based diet. (No meats, dairy as this kind of protein. Proteins will stops any process of elimination in any disease.) Stop eating it at least during an attack.

8. Other herbal suggestion that could be used are:Dr. Christopher’s Herbs has a “Lung and Bronchial” formula to heal the lung area. It has Marshmallow Root, Mullein Leaf, (lung herbs and so but missing the “Comfrey root”), Lungwort, Chickweed, Lobelia and *Pleurisy Root. Many others such formulas are now coming into the market. Buy it loose, add in Comfrey root, and cap it yourself. (powder it and add it to his formula. (It can be a long-term reversal for healing the lungs.) A coffee grinder will powder the root if needed. I don't sponsor or get any adverting money's from any company, but I do order from some of them of certain companies so, naturally I pass it on. You may do better than myself in looking for a good company and, do look for sources in your area of the world. They can't get the organic form yet...and out for Ma Huang.

(Note: They had to take Comfrey root out of the formula because it hit into the drug co. profits however; they use it in cosmetics and other products.) Taking Comfrey Root and Ma Huang off the market proves to us all that the drug co. knows what herb cures asthma and cut into their stock building markets. These herbs in no way have hurt or killed the masses that drugs have. Just check out their lawsuits of deaths and medical records. It Washington, all who are into drug stocks, that are aiding these drug corporations deviant tactics, to use a double standard for monopolizing herbal medicine for sole profits. Going back to Ephedra;

Read directions: Cautions even in herbs such as Ephedra (an herbal drug!) may have for some, has side effects; SUCH AS; of short-term memory loss (foggy mind, but this is not long term. It's usually caused by abuse or too much of the herb. The remedy is to cut back on dosage or make a tincture and use it this way. You do not have to use this herb long term in most cases. Use this herb only long enough to get control to use other herbs possible. In the US the AMA, FDA control the non-use of this great herb. Use it with skill but not for weight problems or a short term high that wears out the adrenals. Big Pharmaceuticals company’s control this herb today and would lose a lot of money if people got control of asthma or other lung herbals such as the herbs mentioned here in this paper. However they market its “copy-cats” to this product to sell for weight i.e. *(double standard!) Take a look at the cautions on the Depakote and Effexor i.e. and all mental medicines and their law suits. Is it off the market? No, they're all back up by FDA. Go Figure. Before you take any drug if you can get around the paid advertiser, they buy up so much ad space, that you can get to find out who has the law suits before you get involved with any drug.*Flu: Licorice root retains water, do no use if you have kidney failure or high blood pressure. Holding onto water will bring blood pressure up, or if your using a diuretic. It works great for inconstancy problems, because it retains water. And some other natural cortisone’s or steroids herbals substituted here such as Yucca, Wild Yam, etc. if Licorice Root is not workable for you, its best not to go onto it for long periods of time.

*Warning signs: Ephedra can cause adrenal exhaustion if abuse. Or, any herb that speeds up metabolism. Use herbs as if you would use for drugs very wisely! You will wake up tired that is your cue or warning, or you will feel jittery or high. These are signs you have overdosed...cut back and take smaller doses. Consider age, weight and height with the dosage. Do not take if you are on mental medications. Read all label carefully and do your research. ...”Certain benefits out way the risk...” (A Noted FDA statement that is abusive but not for any herbs...give us a break)

Post Scripts from here on:
Aspartames with it many counterfeit names to try to fool us, (Why does it do this under cover, under handed names trying to fool us? Most would want to build up a good brand name to consumers.)  They add weight and depressions and should not be used with this herb.
Where the FDA? Aspartame and Ibuprofen, Motrin i.e. will acerbates asthma, most especially if taken at bedtime. Many asthmatics do not realize this. Aspirin, a cole-tar product, ibuprofen, naprozen, drugs, or non steroidal eat holes in your guts. Aspartame is the worse drug for the brain...

*Pain: Chanca Piedra (Phyllanthus Amarus) may help or Comfrey, Mullein, *Pleurisy Root but it all take longer time to build up and work. You do have to be faithful. I only had to take 350 mg of Ephedria, Ma Huang for not more than a week and my problem was gone. I keep some on hand if I ever have another problem of not being able to breath. I have bronchial asthma. All herbs are drug watch your combinations.

I use to keep on hand; "MucinexDM," 1200 mg, timed, on hand for the cough-mucus which takes away my breath, If I don't have Ephedra or until I do.

Ma Huang work now within a week it will reverse asthma. Any herbal that work on the liver will, if consistent, will aid in clearing up toxins and thus is needed in asthma,

*Tip: Research showed that Coffee warts off (by 1/3) an asthma attack use about three times a day. It is the prolifin in the coffee. (,

Ephedra Horizon Herbs: to buy seeds to grow your own Ma Haung. They haven’t screwed up that yet, dry the leaves i.e. then powder it in caps, grind it to powder in a coffee grinder i.e. or make your own tincture with ACV. I grow my own Ephedra and Comfrey, and found a site where they will sell you the stem (not as strong) But, the site I can't put it in a blog too many 'Yuppie nuts".... I could tell you where to buy Ma Haung but they hassel the herbal co. to death, till they will no longer sell it because of this problem. However, check the Internet and Canada i.e.

Some companies have *plants too. Check google under Ma Haung ephedra seeds. Only Organic and if it’s for medical "lung" purposes! The pharmacy made is the kind they make meth...out of this brand of ephedra (it's not the same as I'm teaching here.) See synthetic link above. You might try Mormon Tea for children, however their is no ephedra in this brew, many reports on the herb is false...

This site has many different herbs: FAT-BURNERS TO SUB...FORSKOHLII ETC. (I'm against all fat burners, for that purpose.)

Disclaimer: Consult your health professional for any medical advice. This is my opinion, meant to educate, entertain, and only voices my experienced herbalist opinions at the most. THIS HAS TO BE ALTERED FOR YOUTH, CHILDREN, WEIGHT, I.E. (I USED 350 ABT MG 2-3 TIMES A DAY FOR ONLY THREE DAYS.) THEN ONCE IN A GREAT WHILE, then not at all.... Need a natural steriod?

Ephedra in Ma haungmay interact with Pleurisy root in Wild Root

"Ephedra has been, I n the past, banned by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. It should not be taken for any reason. Additionally, chemicals in both pleurisy root and ephedra may act in the same way that the drug digoxin works on the heart. If pleurisy root and ephedra are taken together, their digoxin-like effects may be increased. Potentially dangerous changes in heart rhythm and other serious problems such as visual and mental changes may result. Ephedra should not be taken - especially at the same time as pleurisy root. Ask your healthcare provider about these drugs and this potential interaction as soon as possible." There are more such hearbal interactions... ephedra 25 mg. a PHARMA RESOURCES (Pharma are allowed to sell...can you figure out why they don't want herbal co. to do the same. Are they doing any different than those co.?)
There is one that is behind the counter of your drug store 120 mg. that the Pharam's have synthesized written in another post. (Sudogest 12 hours- off brand, Sudafed, Aand others, (key ingredient is Pseudoephedrine Hydocloride with extended-released i.e.)