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Its best to know what you need to fix: body, mind, environment (water, clean ups) , radiation, oil spills, disease's, or food and nutrition. Where is it growing will give you a clue to its value for your use. This is a topic for deep study to get the cures.
This is the best program with help to the environment, radiation and the medical mushrooms I've ever heard. Paul Stamets is on the ball and knows his subject as he talked about his discovery on how to use mushrooms to decompose toxic wastes and pollutants, catch and reduce silt from streambeds and pathogens from agricultural watersheds, as well as control insect populations, and generally enhance the health of our forests, gardens and bodies.
Look specifically for the mushroom needed for the job
each specie's has properties the others don't have


  • Book(s):

  • Paul Stamets  appeared on C2C
  • * fungi to save the planet
  • Plants cannot exist without fungi.
    *400-500 species
    *we split from fungi
    *aids Eco systems
    * high in protein
    *resavour, acts like a sponge to water
    *take into our cell walls, stomach, and lungs
    *Fungi creates water, pull minerals out, calcium, IE. they eat rocks.
    *honey mushrooms in Oregon (consumes masses) spirals
    *king stropharia mushrooms (Stropharia rugoso-annulata) The garden giant in a few days
    * breaks down oil, by enzymes approve for landscapes, oil spills IE.
    *oyster mushrooms, heavy metals
    Patented maybe filed to salt water, and feed people; glutinosus hideous comphidus
    Uranium: The Nuclear Forest Recovery Zone Gomphch
    The mushroom becomes radio active:
    Japanese Nuke plant, by planting the whole area to mushrooms. This mushroom will absorb radio active materials.
    *will flourish on concrete.
    *will grow food
    *works on septic systems
    *Mushroom has an appetite for bacteria, e col i IE.
    *Anti tubercular mushrooms
    *Agarkon in Washington State a sacred species
    *Vitriol activity of Mushrooms against the flu viruses and, bird flu
    * Ant dens destroys them; termites, uses not chemical pesticides. He has a patented for getting rid of all insecticide given to Australia
    Cordycaps species used medically for hundreds of years. MS drugs comes from this mushrooms
    *bed bugs, it does not harm bees.
    *Turkey Tail Mushrooms for cancerous tumor
    * REGENERATES soil, nature and Eco systems list of medical mushroom
      Diabetes Many fungal isolates act as
    DPP-4 inhibitors, alpha-glucosidase inhibitors, and alpha amylase inhibitors in vitro. Ternatin is a fungal isolate that suppresses hyperglycemia.[18] Aspergillusol A is an alpha-glucosidase inhibitor made by Aspergillus. Sclerotiorin is an aldose reductase inhibitor made by Penicillium. Antifungals Griseofulvin, caspofungin, strobilurin, azoxystrobin, micafungin, and echinocandins, are all extracted from fungi. Anidulafungin is a derivative of an Aspergillus metabolite. 
    Here's news: Paul new patent may stop for yourselves  

    Death Cap Mushroom Could Help Fight Cancer: But DO NOT Try This at Home!! Toxic to the Liver.
    TP53 gene is up-regulated by a toxic constituent of the Amanita in this study.…/jo…/v520/n7549/full/nature14418.html


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